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Hello patrons! Just an update that 0.22 of CQ is now out!  

A reminder that we're not allowed to put certain content on Patreon. As a result, you will find most of our stuff is up on Discord, including our game downloads, changelogs, and stuff like cosplay collabs! You should have had a Discord invite sent to your email after registering, but here's a spare invite just in case, so you can keep up to date in the future:


To view the download links, you will need a role once you're there. If it's not auto-assigned after you join, just list your username in #roles and you will get it within 24 hours (or less!)



edit: nevermind, didn't realize this was so old


how to download?


Hello! You do need to be on Discord as not all our content can be posted here! Please check out the instructions laid out here (under the welcome note!) and you should be able to join the Discord: patreon.com/dystopianproject/membership And, as per those instructions, if for some reason, the aforementioned process doesn't work for you, please use this manual invite to join our Discord: discord.gg/EzZDBqJ Once you're in, please post your Patreon username on the #roles channel to get a role assigned manually (this will usually be done within 24 hours or less). Once you have a role, you will be able to see all patron-exclusive channels - such as the download links!


I've written to you on Discord and here


the link does'nt work


ya, not working for me either. . . .


Maybe try the full link folks: https://discord.gg/EzZDBqJ Or else backup link: https://discord.gg/C5ur7ZjvaF


Maybe try the full link folks: https://discord.gg/EzZDBqJ Or else backup link: https://discord.gg/C5ur7ZjvaF


Playing version 0.22.1 WIN - getting a "Loading Error - failed to load: audio/me/Mystery.ogg" error during the Refugee Camp quests, error occurs after escapig the Pigboss when looking for Marie's Ring.


I'm esperiencing some glitches involving the dog pen and the ranger quests. When entering the dog pen I get stuck in the entrance and can't move or get out of the house. As for the ranger quest there seem to be an invisible wall blocking the way to roxanne preventing me from leaving the ranger base as I need to talk to her to progress the quest.


I would like to know how to increase energy sorry if it has already been stated


Raising Depravity also raises base Energy! Some questlines also give it as a reward (SoF, Rangers, etc)


the game doesn't work properly on the mac, even with the terminal process, it will run the game but you can't make saves.


Hello! Are you running on the Big Sur OS by any chance? That update has notorious problems but we have a solution for that. 1 - Open terminal 2 - Write this command chmod -R 755 3 - Press Space after the command and drag in the game and press Enter. 4 - Write your password and press Enter 5 - Now open the game as per normal Be sure to join our Discord as a larger group can respond faster to your issues and discussions! Hope that works and if it doesn't let us know!


Deleted my last reply, I can't seem to get the Discord to work, was wondering if there was another way for me to get the link. I subscribed for the month to get a copy of the game, and I'd be disappointed if I didn't get it. On Discord I use the handle Hanabi with a Samurai Avatar.

