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Feb + Mar 2021 Combined Polls!

  • Terroboar, and the Swine Horde 357
  • Eryanissa, and the Dark Elves 322
  • Keenmerry, and the Unseelie 84
  • 2021-03-04
  • —2021-03-29
  • 763 votes
{'title': 'Feb + Mar 2021 Combined Polls!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Terroboar, and the Swine Horde', 'votes': 357}, {'text': 'Eryanissa, and the Dark Elves', 'votes': 322}, {'text': 'Keenmerry, and the Unseelie', 'votes': 84}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 29, 19, 0, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 4, 8, 3, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 763}


Hello patrons, and welcome to a combined set of polls for February and March 2021!

For these set of polls we'll be voting on the villains of the Continent!

So, in the future an alternate Prologue route where Claire goes into the besieged town of Rivermont instead of Hookton Village will come into play. Additionally, the main questline can take Claire back to the Continent from time to time!

The monstrous horde invading the Continent consists of many ranks, but amongst them are a great variety of sinister creatures who mean Claire all the harm in the world.

These polls determine which of these you as a player would be most interested in seeing!

Would it be the Swine, the horde of ravenous pigmen and their pig-dog hybrid worggo mounts, with their unruly ranks held in check only by the most towering, greedy, and piggish of their kind, the pigbosses? The Swine are led by the most insatiable and warlike of their kind ever seen in centuries, the blackhide pigboss Terrorboar, who has allied himself with the forces of the Occult purely for personal gain. (Rough, breeding, monstrous)

Or would you prefer to see the true powers behind the Occult, the Dark Elves and their hellscape of demonic halfbreed experiments, led by the deeply sadistic, man-taming Dark Elf generalissimo, Eryanissa noc Sinnea, a breathtaking creature as cruel and cunning as she is beautiful and intoxicating? (Femdom, BDSM, mutated horrors)

Or perhaps the most curious of them all, the Unseelie, fairies and fae, and the flora and fauna of the world itself, corrupted by the dark corruption seeping into the groves and woodland sanctuaries of the Fear. This turns them into twisted and debauched versions of their brethren, led by the devious trickster, Keenmerry. (Evil magics, wildlife run amok, bodily alteration)

Note that these polls won't limit the appearance of who is to come, we just want to know who among the three you'd want to see the most!

Vote now and make your choice known! :o



they all sound exciting - would these all be in the game eventually or are they scrapped if not popular?


They all go into the game eventually! We just want to see who would be most in demand to start with!


Glad to hear they'll all be in, they all sound amazing!


.... I would prefer not to have (unnatural) mutilated or diseased or experimented on creatures among any of the above. Honestly, I had to (unfortunately) just stop playing OG because the creatures in the beginning of the game were too unpleasant. As long as a creature is in its natural-looking state (no terrible deed was committed to make it) I'm totally fine with that. Or, if a creature was turned evil and corrupted through magic and now has a different color scheme, that's also ok. But let's say body parts were modified, detached and re-attached.... through medical surgery... too real and disgusting. I do trust your instincts, so it will probably be fine.


I'd say the dark elves sound the best, we already have the pigs/pigbosses and we have the cthulu looking people for the magic creatures and fae fairies, makes sense to get the other option in as I've not seen much of that in this game, just my two cents

Jon P

Unseelie #1 because fae wildlife could be cool magical stuff like treants or spriggan or the ever popular tentacle plants! ...but voted Terroboar because Keenmerry is clearly going to get 3rd while the other 2 are neck and neck.


LMAO you a vegan or PETA or what?

Harry Pjotr

How can someone not vote for breeding although it‘s Claire’s purpose and destiny?


Let me make an analogy: there is body horror and other types of horror in movies. You can be a fan of "alien creature horror" but not body horror. Having a preference does not make you go vegan.


I like the Unseelie but it's looking like that isn't happening so Dark Elves. Unfortunately all the swine...kind of just look the same so I'm not sure beyond the mounts we'd see that could truly be unique from them.


Damn they are all awesome but Dark Elves give those pointy ears some love


Les go pointy this time.


Maybe you should go play other types of games then. I don't want to see creativity held up by people who want to impose their preferences on others.

Jack Reaps

Same! Who I would chose for smut reasons and who I want to see for the story are different. Thanks


I voted for Terroboar and the Swine Horde, but it was a vote against the Dark Elves. I'd rather see Keenmerry and the Unseelie.


Terroboar? More like Terrobored hahah... I still voted for them lol


wanna vote for keenmery but it cant win, so ill vote for the boar


Having a preference surely doesn't make you a vegan, but imposing your preference (about animals) on people's fictional work? They is exactly one thing that vegans (or PETA) are infamous for.


Everyone's entitled to their opinions, and rest assured, our direction will go as we intend and will likely please all involved, not to worry!


Keenmery all the way