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For this webcomic, we asked our patrons to send in their inquiries for an AMA session with Claire, and got some pretty great responses! So now, here is Claire herself to answer your burning questions! ;)

As usual, the chibi artwork for our webcomics is by the amazing KitsuneArts! 

Extra interview content available via Discord only!

Thanks for tuning in folks, 'til next time! :D




What do you mean scene deleted T.T


got a serious issue right now. i heard porn was bad so i kinda deleted every single thing related to porn including games(i even unpledged). but then i heard some say its not exactly bad if in moderation. so im wondering if i should only consume adult games(not real porn with lots of issues). Thing is i like games like these,i like the fetishes associated with them,i like the art,etc


Cowbell would look nice


The exploitation in the porn industry is the worst part of it. With adult games the exploitation isn't there, obviously. Now I may be biased (duh), but for that reason I'd say enjoying adult games is fine!

Icarus Media

I got a fever...and the only cure is.... (Like if you get the reference)


Define "bad". Granted, Claire's Quest do feature heavily scenes of rape and predatory behavior. However, ask yourself do you watch the scenes because you truly believe that women deserve to be preyed upon and treated like a piece of meat. Or alternatively, in order to get thru another boring day at work where you are surrounded by cubicles and potato shaped co-workers, in your head you are been offered a promotion if can to sex up your manager who is a hot blonde with an impossible hourglass figure. Each of us have an imagination and a kink and thus we enjoy works like this game as an outlet. If you are concerned that consuming too much porn and that you are getting desensitized, then as you said, do it in moderation and give yourself a porn break once in a while.


when i meant bad i mostly meant physically and mentally. stuff like dopamine issues,sensitivity,erectile dysfunction. reason i asked is turns out most of the info i got came from very biased people with no real proof


Dude I hear you. I am not a doctor, so all I can say is that moderation of anything is key! I almost became an alcoholic, because of stressful work situations. Alcohol is not evil (though a lot of people in my life said that) its just in excess it was a problem. If Porn is you trying to escape from hard things in your life, then thats not necessarily good. We have to face our issues whatever they are (alcohol, porn, gym, work, drugs, etc...) head on. NOT easy, but important. If you are worried about dopamine issues, just make sure you aren't ONLY getting a dopamine hit from one thing. Just like investments, diversify is key. Does that make sense or helpful? Feel free to tell me to shove off too. :P


been a while since i made a choice. since i do it way less when playing games,i decided to only consume porn games. its not instant gratification,theres fun gameplay to add and story,etc