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WARNING: This post has spoilers, so read on at your own discretion.

Hi patrons and welcome to another character discussion, this time for an old fan favourite who most players will recognise via certain routes in the Prologue... It's Beth!

So this is the 'newer' concept artwork for her, where we actually refined her earlier design. I intended for Beth to look more 'homely', and pretty in the "girl next door" kind of way. Her colour scheme is also kept simple... and it does act as as contrast for what's to come for her, for you see...

... Drumroll please...!

... Beth is the final breeder we are revealing, that will be available for you to recruit into the Ranch!

Sneaky revelation, no? Okay, so if you play the game over from the Prologue, you'll notice a giant white hound named Gale has been added to her backstory and family profile.

Gale and Beth have grown up together on her old home back on the Continent. Beth was teased for her 'early developments' by the other youngsters in her small town commune, became a bit of a social pariah. She only found comfort and friendship with her family, and with Gale.

After being rescued and moving to the Continent, Beth stays around in the makeshift refugee camp in Valos. In future content, Beth moves to Chemont upon progression of the refugee storyline, at which point Claire can stumble on Beth and Gale in a rather... compromising position. This opens her up for recruitment to the Ranch!

With enough training and encouragement, Claire, Beth, and Gale can all get rather intimate, culminating in Beth's total and utter transformation into one of Claire's prized beastsluts who are married to the Ranch and all it entails...

Hope you're all looking forward to her content! ;)

Some update on progression - instead of Evie, Beth will be the 2nd breeder we work on following the conclusion of Isobelle's primary scenes! So we will finish Isobelle's primary scenes first, then do Beth's, and Evie's will come last! 

Due to feedback, we know piercings aren't everybody's thing, so Piercings are a separate item that can be added onto the Beastslut Outfit or skipped altogether - your call! 

And that's all for now - stay tuned for additional updates and bonus artwork! 




Beth looks awesome :) Maybe the paw print tattoo should be black? and a couple more on her back :)


I agree, black paw print over her bush seems more logical, plus more visible. I am glad its Beth thought, i admit to having guessed Evie's role with her bull, but couldn't find a dog/owner pair in the world 😁


They're all designed so that their 'colour scheme' matches the beast, actually. So Isobelle's is black, and hers is white. :p


I hope it'll be possible to dissociate nose ring / nipple ring / clit ring though. I know you can't satisfy everyone though :D


I was meaning, being able to only equip nipple ring, or only nose ring, or only clit ring :D


excited to see more beth content \o/


Oh, sadly no! It's a 2D still, not 3D, so we would need to redraw the whole massive set several times over.


Somehow the regular version looks more lewd than the beast outfit lol. So sexy <3


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I kinda hope to see other paths to go down in. While this is great, I think there should be choices to make so that each play through isn't a catch-all paths situation. That is why I like the beginning so much; the choices truly matter to the story while later on Clair becomes everything from a Priestiess of Fertility to breeding ranch owner.


i'm curious to see how beth's story will change seeing how we already have her in the fort and later raped by pirates