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Hello patrons and welcome to a rather important set of patron polls! 

For the last poll, we've had some interesting results that will influence our approach to the development of Claire's Quest. In terms of quest design, a majority of 66% voted for varied quests that carry implications for all four attributes (Defiance, Depravity, Seduction, and Intrigue), over simple quests with only one or two attributes in play, and complex quests with branching paths of each attribute.

That being said, Claire's Quest is heavily reliant on attribute-influenced dialogue and puzzle-solving. While actions are possible, these are mainly expressed by text. Thus, I have decided to add more flavour and advanced gameplay to Claire's Quest by giving Claire actionable abilities. Although Claire is not a character for the frontlines, as in she's not the heroic party leader taking down the demon lord in combat or anything, she's an effective behind-the-scenes character who influences decisions through means more akin to espionage and politics.

As such, patrons, I'd like to know what kind of actionable abilities you'd most like to see Claire exercise! An example of an existing actionable ability is lockpicking, which lets Claire pick locks after it's learnt (provided her Intrigue is high enough + a Lockpick is in her inventory).

You can vote multiple times, as Claire should logically get access to more than one of these abilities (and each ability runs off different attributes, circumstances, and items). The choices are detailed below:



Claire can analyse parts salvaged from monsters, such as the detached tail-stinger of a Manticore. The analysis of these monstrous parts can lead to certain scenes (ie. a Manticore's venom is paralytic; Claire distills it, unaware of its potency, and ends up paralysed for hours; a couple of mischievous passersby might take advantage of her petrified state...)

To be willing to perform these experiments, Claire's Depravity must be high enough.

After successful analysis, the parts can be made into valuable items that can be sold for a profit, or used in other endeavors.



When Claire is equipped with a Pickaxe, she can destroy natural obstacles and/or barricades, provided her level of Defiance is high enough. These obstacles and/or barricades may block the way to faster, less-convoluted routes to objectives, or simply hide valuables behind them.



A sorcerous ability that allows Claire to enthrall human characters, instilling in them an unbreakable compulsion to do her bidding. Success of this skill is reliant on Claire's Seduction.



Claire masters the art of blending into the shadows, becoming unseen in plain sight. The ensuing invisibility's effective duration depends on Claire's Intrigue.



Claire abandons her humanity, temporarily assuming a bestial form that terrifies and awes all who behold her, while simultaneously granting her the ability to to navigate wild or subterranean sub-routes that quicken her arrival towards key objectives.

Effective duration depends on Depravity; exceeding the effective duration causes Claire to lose herself to the beast within, resulting in a permanent gameover as she abandons all humanity and becomes unplayable.



If Claire successfully sneaks up on somebody, she can initiate an assassination attempt, springing out of hiding and slitting their throat from the back. Success is dependent on Defiance. The resulting corpse will remain visible for all to see, unless Claire hides it by using up a special Body Bag item.  



Claire gains the ability to communicate with monsters and wild beasts on a deeply personal,  almost telepathic level, completely negating their aggression towards her, as well as allowing her to communicate with them in special dialogue.

Success depends on her level of Seduction.



Leveler All

of course empathy is that high, we all know clair will be the beast master ;D


i like all


I like most of them, except for breach and shapeshift, while all others are, as you say, "effective behind the scene character". But Breach seems fairly up front and in your face and shapeshift sounds straight up like magic, and if you can transform into, letsay, a manticore, then what problems wouldn't you be able to face head on?

James Hilliker

I like the seduction/assassin feel that Clair can develop. I also view her almost like an enchantress type though she dose lack magic.


Honestly, Alchemy doesn't seem like a good fit for Depravity, while Shapeshifting could flavor well, what with the whole becoming an animal, complete with going in-heat. Making a conscious choice to do that, with the already established relations of the canine and equine kind, does seem thematically appropriate.


Shapeshift is the result of a lycan infection, and part of that questline is finding the cure to your state, or a way to control it. There's only one transformation - into a monstrous lycan form - and its limited by Depravity in terms of how well you understand the form and can control it, and revert back to humanity. Its supposed to be a nice play on how helpless Claire is most of the time, and how overwhelmingly powerful she is after shapeshifting, which gives some real temptation to stay in that form - although overuse leads to a gameover if Claire loses all sanity.


If bestial form meant catgirl and lose herself to beast within meant certain base instincts being strengthened, then shapeshifting certainly. But 'meh' if it just means turning into a werewolf and living in the woods >:3