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Hello patrons!

With Overgrown: Genesis coming to a close, and the final stage now underway, I'd like to gather some feedback about enemy types in the game!

There are a total of 6 unique enemies in Overgrown: Genesis, namely:

THE WALKER: First enemy encountered in the game. Basic variant of the infected. Average health. Moves at a shambling walk, but speeds up a little bit when spotting Juno. While not particularly dangerous by themselves, they usually move in large hordes, and can easily overwhelm Juno if she's not careful.

THE CRAWLER: Very slow enemy type that moves at a crawl, encountered only in dark, underground areas. Despite the slow movement speed, because they are usually found in cramped, dark areas, they can easily corner Juno if she is careless. They are also heavily-armored, and take a lot of damage to bring down.

THE HOUND: Mid-stage enemy that moves quickly once they've spotted Juno, but upon leaving their patrolled "territory", they will break off the chase. While low in health, their fast speed and the fact that they move in tight packs makes them particularly dangerous. Furthermore, they are mainly found throughout the Cold Pines stage, which is completely covered in pitch-black darkness.

THE RUNNER: Early stage infected who move at mad sprint. Fastest enemy in the game. Fairly low health, and usually found roaming alone. Melee weapons are ineffective as they are often upon Juno before she can react.

THE REPTILE: Found only in waterlogged areas, which disables Juno's ability to run. They can move extremely quickly in the water once they spot Juno. Their fairly high health (second only to Crawlers) also makes them quite intimidating.

THE HIVELING: Immortal enemies who cannot be permanently killed without eliminating the Hive boss. They regenerate quickly after several seconds once they've been put down. Average statistics across the board in terms of speed and health. However, given their extreme durability, they can be troublesome to deal with.

Of these six enemy types, which was your favourite? You can judge them based off their difficulty, behaviour, or perhaps simply appearance alone! Comments are appreciated, and will help me to design better enemy encounters in future projects!

Cast your vote and leave your opinions now! You can vote multiple times for this set of polls!



Gator husband ❤️


Should we be able to vote on all of them?


I definitely enjoyed the more monstrous and less conventional zombies more. Having stock and standard enemies feels like it adds so little even though things like walkers are almost a staple of the genre.

Andrey Golovin

Alligator and hounds. Awesome pictures


I would pick Walkers, Crawlers and Reptile for the pictures, but in terms of both pictures and just enemy type The Hiveling wins on both counts TBH. Fighting them is pretty damn terrifying and forces me to think things through, and if I screw up I basically look forward to every single one of their scenes.


Eh, dunno, hounds are in every third h-game, the hivelings and the crawlers I found the most interesting


I thought the runners are the best. They are fast and can hit you unexpectedly.


I don't know which one I like the most, but I know I hate that fucken reptiles.


Reptiles and Hivelings are best, due to the difficulty and thinking behind them. In waterlogged areas you need to either bring weapons, or be prepared to get infected multiple times. Hivelings are great for the fact that you know using ammo on them is pretty much wasteful, so a true hint to a zombie esq game and to conserve ammo unless absolutely necessary. I do hope you have further plans for games like this in future as this is probably the only game I've played in one sit through and thought "I wanna play this again, but try it this way instead" and also immersed me into the story and characters (Like ***SPOILER*** when Billy kills himself and you sort of feel sad in a weird kind of way, or when you see the guy gone crazy in the tunnels and read the logs about him previous, you feel the emotion about them. (I even went back to the guy who gives you fuel for the boat, and noticed he had died from his wounds and felt sad as I wanted to bring him with me, but it's a close call to reality really that shit like that happens).


Also, I have no email for the discord link, can you provide me with one via message please? Thanks :)