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Hello patrons! Here is a sneak peek of our next scene, the 2nd out of 5 planned for the next update!

During a previous poll, we asked if patrons wanted to see 'ecchi'/non-penetrative scenes with CGs rather than just text, and received a fairly positive response! As a result, we're adding CG to the early groping scene that can be encountered in the Hookton village inn, as well as adding more detail to the text of the scene! 




Nice to hear that the story continues to be illustrated, but also better described. I'm looking forward to the experience.


Since we're talking about next update, small feedback: I feel like there should be some (even if it's limited in how far you can take it and for example takes up your whole day) way to raise stats that's repeatable (I know you can cheat at the moment but that hardly feels ideal).

Leveler All

Its no surprise, CG for the main evenst are nice, but is the little once like this, that make the game have more detail, thoes who let clair tease but not go all the way, i like all this small momments when you get to play around.


Woooo! It's actually oneof my favourite scenes from the game (or at least the prologue). It's just naughty but not depraved like some others. (Not that I dislike those either... I wouldn't be a patron if I did).


Oh, gotcha, that's exactly what I needed. Thanks!