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Hello everyone - a significant news update for you all.

As you may have noticed, our Patreon page was shut down and put under review this week. I spoke with the T&S team and to get our Patreon page back up, we've had to make a few changes, the key ones being the removal of all public download links, as well as removal or alteration of many of our promotional images.

Thankfully, our gameplay content can remain unchanged.

In the meantime, development proceeds as per usual. I will post up a detailed blog post that's more relevant to development next week. This week has bit a bit draining getting the page back up to par, I hope you all understand.

Thank you for your patience at this time. 



Leveler All

Freedom glad all went ok team-


So where can people get the public version at then?


Not sure if anyone else is having this trouble, but, for me, the Inventory system appears broken in CQ 0.15.2 - I can browse the Inventory OK, but I can't select anything from it (eg food to restore HP). Trying to select an item from Inventory just changes the selected item to the next on the list.


are the games ever coming back to mac

Ver Greeneyes

If you set up a website, I think they will still let you link to that. It just can't be a direct link to the game.

Ver Greeneyes

A lot of creators I support have been getting temporarily suspended recently, without any indication of such until the creator reached out. I'm glad to see the suspensions being lifted, but I think we're approaching the end of the line for adult content on Patreon. I just want you to know I'll happily follow you to a new platform.


It seems most Mac users can play without difficulty using Wine and similar apps, but I might do a Mac release from time to time!


Thank you for the kind thoughts! Regarding a site, though - I'm not allowed to link to anything which has any kind of download link on it, sadly.

Ver Greeneyes

That's a ridiculous standard and one I'm pretty sure they haven't applied to anyone else. I understand wanting to be cautious, but are you sure that linking to your studio's website, which has a link to a section for the project, which in turn has a download link is not okay?

Ver Greeneyes

Ugh, that's so unreasonable. Oh well, as a patron I suppose I'm not really affected, though I fear it's only a matter of time. T&S councils never seem to stick to their original remit. You know what they say about power...


It's actually due to the Net Neutrality crap. here in Europe we've got something called 'Article 13' in the works, which is more or less Order 66 for the Internet. <a href="https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180614/13211740041/un-free-speech-expert-eus-copyright-directive-would-be-attack-free-speech-violate-human-rights.shtml" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180614/13211740041/un-free-speech-expert-eus-copyright-directive-would-be-attack-free-speech-violate-human-rights.shtml</a> Anyway, what it boils down to is a 'link tax' of sorts where Patreon, as the hosting service, would be held responsible for any links to content posted on its site. So logically, they're trying to clamp down on links to external sites (barring Mega and such) just in case the bill makes it. Can't even blame them for wanting to have their bases covered, to be honest. Between Article 13 here and Net Neutrality over there, they're just battening down the hatches awaiting the impeding legalese clusterf*ck politicians are trying to turn the Internet into. But... that's just my two cents, of course.

Ver Greeneyes

I don't know, that sounds like a convenient pretext to me. That law would be completely unenforceable and trying to comply with it before the vote has even happened seems foolish.


Yeah, it's unenforceable, but if it's an official legislation Patreon can't not uphold it. That's the crux of this problem. You're right in that it's a knee-jerk reaction for Patreon to keep its nose clean, but it's the safest option: If the law passes they'll already be making sure there are no 'offenders' on their site, if it doesn't then there'll be little more than a few ruffled feathers in the Adult community. Again, i could be wrong, but that's what i'm reading into it.


paul so we need to ran around a lot and slowly kill them with axes how long should the fight take to sure as hive bosses being killed thanks how do we know what the timer is saying needs to happen