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Hello everyone! It's time for the public release of Overgrown: Genesis 0.09! Download link here:


Additionally, please find below a full changelog!



* New level - the Jamesway Bridge. First mission out of Fort Patton. Revisits all previous enemies in one go, and will be used for the Reptile swarm and unlocks in the future. Finished.

* New level - the Central Business District (CBD). Second mission out of Fort Patton. Re-visitable (ie. you can go back to Fort Patton and then come back to the CBD at any time). Not complete yet.

* New enemy type - Hivelings/"Grunts". A step-up from the infected, these new "mutant" enemies require some thinking to defeat. Hivelings are immortal and will continually respawn no matter how many times they're killed. The only way to permanently defeat them is to destroy their Hivemind.

* New scene, the Hiveling/Grunt attack (+CG set).

* New scene, the Hiveling/Grunt gameover (+CG set).

* The subway system has been expanded, and made double the size.

* New scene (+CG set) with an insane survivor, David, used to work in the subway and whose computer you encounter first when you enter the level.

* New swarm ending (+CG set) for the Crawlers, in the subway's "shotgun room"; triggers if you didn't read up on the warning via Leslie's computer's emails and trip through the loose floorboards.

* New swarm ending (+CG set) for the Runners, in the Police HQ located in Dangerzone East, in a new "evidence locker" room; triggers if you didn't divert the Runners inside via the alarm.

* Fort Patton maps added, including the compound exterior when exiting the Civilian Shelter, as well as the new Military HQ and Armoury.

* Numerous new sprites and portraits for the new military cast.

* New tiles introduced for the military setting.

* Stat boosting items, as well as stats/attributes in general, have been removed from the game.

* Reaching "checkpoints" now only increases Morale, rather than having you pick between Hunger or Morale, and also removes the attribute aspect.

* New "Base Points" mechanic introduced. Will expand more as we go. Currently used for weapon upgrades.

* New BGM - "The Fortress"- for the new military settings.


* New major characters, General Hawke and Quartermaster Taylor. General Hawke is the quest-giver for Fort Patton, while Quartermaster Taylor is your go-to merchant, allowing you to sell food items for Base Points, and purchase various items and upgrades for trade goods.

* New weapon upgrade: Shotgun -> Tactical Shotgun. Addresses the limited range and low mag capacity of the regular Shotgun.

* Cheats now available from the Menu.

* Gallery now available from the Menu. First unlock (the test animation) is free. Second unlock is after you finish the Prologue (Billy and Gavin scenes). Third unlock after you enter the subway (All three Walker scenes). Fourth unlock after you finish the subway stage (All three Crawler scenes + subway survivor scene). The unlocks for the Hounds, Runners, and Reptiles will follow in later updates; tentatively, for Cold Pines, Dangerzone, and Jamesway Bridge.



* Broken pathing for computer tables and computer terminals fixed.

* Black area underneath the office building in Hamilton fixed (pathing issue).

* Inaccessible sparkles around Dangerzone fixed.

* Rifle Packs don't give ammo, only more Rifle Packs; fixed.



* Item categories are broken for now due to a faulty RMMV update.

* Using the Gallery allows you to "quick escape" from any situation due to the enemy locations being reset.

* As "Bridge Keycard" (for the Jamesway Bridge) occupies a previously-used item slot, you may already have it in your inventory before even doing the mission.

* Stairs in the Call Centre building (immediately to the right after entering CBD) go nowhere for now.

* Melee weapons replenish to full durability when switching maps

* If Elite Grunts are killed too fast / with melee weapons only, the Hivemind may remain inaccessible as the code did not have a chance to register the Elite Grunts dying.


0.09.2 PATCH:

* The CBD mission is now ready to go. Go into the CBD, fight off or run circles around the Hivelings, rescue Captives, and kill the Hivemind! Expands the existing CBD map with x2 interiors buildings.

* First real "boss" fight: the Hivemind. The Hivemind itself does nothing, but it will summon x5 Elite Hivelings to deal with Juno in a narrow room with no escape.

* New mechanic: Captives. These captured soldiers and civilians can be found throughout the CBD and play an important role in the CBD mission.

* IV Pack item removed and replaced with Painkillers - these rare items restore 100% of Juno's Morale when used.

* First upgrade of the Civilian Shelter now ready: Med Station. Completing this upgrade has Sofia replenish you with x1 Painkillers whenever you run on empty.

* Gamestopping bug where subway control room is inaccessible after clearing barricade is fixed.


0.09.3 PATCH:

* Door to the "shotgun room" in the subway still requires x11 Strength, but due to removed attributes it is impossible to obtain. Fixed.

* Permanent Cigarettes pickup added to the Subway Tunnels for David's tradeoff

* Computer still registers INT in the first subway room. Fixed.

* x1 missing CG variation in the Walker Gameover has been added in.


0.09.4 PATCH:

* Item limit cap was set to 99 previously. This stopped you getting more ammo and Base Points past 99. Importantly, also prevented you getting the Med Station upgrade for the shelter. Remedied by changing item cap to 9999.

* Second computer in Subway Tunnels doesn't show Hansen's email if you opened Door 2 before looking at it. This prevents you from jumping over the pit if you had read the email, and thus prevents you getting the early shotgun.

* Missing car has been added to the CBD map.

* Missing Crawler Gameover variation (first one) added to the Gallery. 


0.09.5 PATCH:

* Med station upgrade doesn't stay permanent - Juno can walk out of the shelter, and walk back in with it unupgraded. Upgrading also refunds your Base Points. Fixed on both ends by removing refund and adding switch to register shelter is upgraded for re-entry.

* All side missions are marked complete during the evac from Brookside if you didn't actually start any of them. Fixed by adding additional switches to all three. 




I haven't been playing for a whole while now. Are the H-Scenes all GirlxZombie, or are there human scenes as well?


There are a few human scenes right now, but the majority Girl x Monster. But, if you prefer human x human, do wait for our next update as it is an integral part of it then!


when i went to the quatermaster to get loaded, i didn't receive the pistol, despite having some 70 9mm ammo.


i cant get it to open, it loads like its going to but then it stops


How far does this update go. I made it to the bridge but I don;t see any keycard to activate the lever and drain the water in the room with the bridge control.


then how do you get a pistol again, since you cant buy it.


I prefer Claire's Quest which is more of my kind, but still interesting to play a survival horror RPG with sexy stuff ♪


Got an error "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined. When going out on the outing with the police. Didn't seem to happen twice though.


the keycard is down the ladder to the right in a semi hidden room


when do I unlock more gallery stuff? I've passed a good portion of the game now and the last gallery update was for the zombies in the subway... I finished the first military mission and I'm now dealing with the plant zombies.


The Gallery stops after you reach Cold Pines for now. After more Swarm scenes are completed the rest will be added in with the next update!


You always get a pistol at the beginning of the game. If you're trying to load an old save, it won't work due to the overhaul changing too many aspects of the game's code, and you'll need to start a new game


Odd coding problems like this occur from time to time, but I can't place it since it comes and goes. Best thing to do is save often


Windows 10? It's been known to screw up the initial launch for some RPGM projects by extracting the file wrong. Delete all files related to it and re-do the download, then extract with a proper tool like UnRAR. Don't try to run it from the zipped folder. Unzip first.

무개 아

I have a hard password in my short English


Hmm... Playing 0.9.5 atm. First, the small stuff: Brookside has this ambient 'city sounds' track that is kind of off due to the amount of driving automobiles you can hear in it. Given the lack of available fuel, maybe rural sounds would fit better? Another very minor thing is that Juno doesn't lock her door when she's going out. Since everyone else locks theirs, and getting your stuff stolen is a very real threat with the supply shortages, having her lock the door behind her and giving her a key marked UNIT 12 would fix this. Also, Dr. Zara is referencing a 'thing' that attacked (and supposedly infected) Juno when she got the Medical Supplies, but there wasn't any mention of it in the text. Just the door being locked, and the room filling with knockout gas before the rescue team charged in with masks. Will this be replaced at some point by a CG where Juno gets attacked by an advanced enemy type normally found much later in the game? Next, if you reach the boats before getting Geoff his Medical Supplies, Juno will mention the boat still needs Fuel (as expected). There is no mention of this being added to your quest log.. And Anguished Runner still gives you +1 Perception upon handing him the baby doll. Lastly, according to dialogue Infected Billy's irises are green, yet his mug still has him with his reddish brown eye color. <a href="https://imgur.com/5CxUPX2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/5CxUPX2</a> Talking to the fireman in the Brookside Suits offices gives you a free Maintenance Key in your Quest inventory, that has a tag on it with "MAINTENANCE SOUTH" upon inspection. This is repeatable, and it's the same key that you get east of New Brookside. <a href="https://imgur.com/V3iCUXE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/V3iCUXE</a> Clipping error in the Greer Subway <a href="https://imgur.com/vYx9gKp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/vYx9gKp</a> Sparklies behind this garbage can in Hamilton Square, right after leaving the subway. This existed in previous versions as well. <a href="https://imgur.com/cGIAvhn" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/cGIAvhn</a> Hamilton Square Hospital still has two spots where you can walk over the desk, it's the ones with the papers on it, shown here south and west of Juno. You got rid of the ones in the building that has the axe though :) It's the same for the papers lying on the park benches in the map directly west of Hamilton Square, close to the south exit. <a href="https://imgur.com/WGlpKVW" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/WGlpKVW</a> Here's another small one near Dr. Peters, in his lair. There's another glitched square in the chair directly north of him. <a href="https://imgur.com/Y5ee1qQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/Y5ee1qQ</a> And this rock in Cold Pines allowing you to walk through a tree. It's definitely overlapping sprites that are causing this, where 'can walk over this' overwrites 'can't walk over this' while on the same grid square. <a href="https://imgur.com/Td3lW18" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/Td3lW18</a> And this little grate in the house in Cold Pines as well. <a href="https://imgur.com/R3SEqvo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/R3SEqvo</a> Maybe it's just me because it was hard to recreate, but i've gotten two game-stopping errors heading up those stairs back in Brookside. The first was a black screen with yellow text stating a "TypeError", followed by "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" in white below it. The second time i did manage to get up the stairs and Juno simply glitched out and no longer visibly moved (though attacking still gave me sounds). Later on, heading onto the streets from the APC Garage (without having unlocked the sealed door yet) gave me that error again. <a href="https://imgur.com/8tkIeoQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/8tkIeoQ</a> The table next to Sofia can be walked through on both squares. <a href="https://imgur.com/ufAMI8V" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/ufAMI8V</a> Rescuing Rebecca... And that's it from me today, i'll leave the new parts for another day ;)


Part Two: The TypeError bug i've narrowed down to that it mostly happens during area transitions, and even then it's only got a small chance of appearing. It happened again during Fort Patton's bridge mission when i just slipped past the Runners to enter the guardhouse(?) at the end. I also had it happen once leaving the menu after switching weapons. It might be my save, but i doubt it since i had been playing it all in one sitting. At best it could be my constant switching in and out of the game to Paint (for screenshots) and Patreon (for adding to the comment), but other than that i'm stumped. There is also a movement glitch with the enemies. If they spot you under certain conditions (my guess is they spot you while they're moving to another square) they will come after you at their walking speed. This is fine for regular zombies, but it also applies to dogs, runners and Hivelings, immensely lowering the threat they're supposed to pose. Also, it seems i found what causes the ammo glitch. I had an Axe, and thoroughly abusing the durability restoration bug (which also works by opening and closing the menu) to get my testing done, when i accidentally brought it down to 0 durability, destroying it. I then reloaded my save, which had my Axe equipped, but pressing A did nothing. I then unequipped and reequipped it and it worked as normal. However, i then switched to my pistol (for plot reasons), saw i had 6/6 and 78 rounds. I then switched to my shotgun and it had 6/2 and 78 rounds. Since i had glitched my save, i proceeded to test this further and reloaded that save, this time first equipping the shotgun instead. This time, it showed 2/2 and 39, and when i switched to my pistol it showed 2/6 and 39. Shots fired from my pistol also got deducted from Rounds, not from Clip. So it seems the durability bug on melee weapons is to blame for that as well, or at least related to whatever's flagging the weapon as usable or unusable. To complete the test i should try equipping a shotgun with glitched ammo and clip count, pick up some shells and see what happens, but my main save is too far ahead for that now. The process to replicate it would be: Equip melee weapon and save --&gt; Fight with weapon until it's destroyed --&gt; Immediately Quit and reload the save --&gt; Equip Pistol --&gt; Equip Shotgun. This should show the Shotgun with the Pistol's (far greater) ammo and clip count. Edit: Transitioning to another area and reloading seem to fix this, and some testing at the firing range shows that this is a display bug: Ammo is correctly deducted from the correct pool. Clip size however does matter, so in the above example i could fire the shotgun 6x before needing to reload (though the Reload warning correctly appeared after the first two shots). Next, freeing the Captive (where the game teaches you about them) and getting your first Plant Heart tends to mess up the respawn of Hivelings outside, they only respawned if i went all the way back to the APC area first and back again, while the ones in the south building didn't respawn at all until i entered the building, left and entered again (after having cleared them out before heading outside to search the first house). The enemy detection seems to have severe trouble detecting a running Juno. Far too often it allowed me to run straight up to a zombie, even from the front, and kill it with a melee weapon before the exclamation mark could even appear. Since i generally have autorun on i get to do this a LOT over the course of the game. Lastly, you forgot the Police Zombie Swarm Gameover CGs in the Gallery, encountered in the Police HQ east of New Brookside. As for the sprites: <a href="https://imgur.com/jmnzAL3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/jmnzAL3</a> Fort Patton, Mission 1: Juno can stand on that square, and walk through the machine east of her all the way up to the wall. <a href="https://imgur.com/M0py6j8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/M0py6j8</a> Fort Patton, Mission 2 briefing: Hamilton Square, i believe ;) <a href="https://imgur.com/yvbQ4or" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/yvbQ4or</a> Sparklies! They're on the first map upon entering the CBD. Once you've picked them up, you can walk through the garbage can, likely because of the cans on the same sprite making it traversable again like it has with the desks in Hamilton. <a href="https://imgur.com/bQbA6PM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/bQbA6PM</a> Same map, lower southwest corner. And that's about everything i could find!


Unless i'm missing a newer version or this is down for some other reason then the download is down.


Huh, weird wasn't working when i tested yesterday or when i posted it, but it's working now, but hey at least it's working


I don't know if it is too late to seek advice but i am having a problem where when i try to go into the options menu, It says "ERROR: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir" and it quits the game. I am also prevented from saving for some reason.


Never mind, it was because i needed to gain permissions. Disregard these comments


where in the world do i find the APC key for the north brookside quest o.o i've killed every single zombie in the area and can't find it..


Hey i realy love the kook of ur work but my only means of geting it on my computer is throghtt aamnd oldd phone .. itt doontt like recaptchaa.. couldd u sendd the latest public buildd of both games to my email pain1993@hotmail.ca please


what the name for discord ? i want join discord for oevergrown