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Hello and welcome to another set of patron polls!

This time we'll be polling on kinks again!  

It's been some time since our last set of polls. The way this works is - you can vote multiple times, and you are voting on which are your favourite kinks to see in our work.

Majority decision will obviously affect what kind of scenes we find ourselves making more of!

Cast your votes now :o 



top 3,, nuff said


How about a combination of "hard" and vanilla: deepthroat and vaginal. That'd get my vote!


Looking at the results of this poll I wouldn't have guessed the previous one indicated an interest in more soft-core stuff.


While I still plan to keep supporting and playing the game I do hope this means there will still be variety for scenes, as in the past the majority of CQ scenes have been the top 3 choices, beasts/monsters, hardcore/torture and prostitution


How about a scene where Claire is walking around naked in public like a dog by her lover or master


More prostitution/exhibitionism!


That's because previous poll wasn't actually about kink preference. It was more, "Do you want to see softcore Y/N?"


Deepthroat is my shit XD wouldnt mind if it was monster deepthroat ether i guess since that one is ahead prostitution isnt bad ether


why don't you make a route for Claire where she gets so broken by the pig guys that she defects over to them and starts helping capture other girls to breed? sort of like the goblin bride route in violated heroine.


Can you add in impregnataion?


like it here if you guys want it, haha