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Been doing so visdev for Taz. :) Just experimenting A LOT with his outfit and I still can't seem to find the suitable palette and outfit for him.

Need to keep searching and experimenting! 




Oh man, I love these outfits! <3


Honestly, Taz could probably rock any outfit. But I'm sure you'll land on one that feels just right for him.


He is such a heartthrob! 🔥 But concerning visdev… as the ultimate raison d'être for Taz is a comic, have you tried drawing him as small as possible? What I mean is: when it comes to actually drawing the comic pages, you will have to draw him a lot, and I would guess that a design with less intricate features would be beneficial then. Also, he might appear as a very small figure in some panels, so it could be a good idea if the details of his outfit and general design could be reduced easily without distorting his silhouette too much. That doesn't mean that his outfit should be simple or lack detail. His outfit should probably be reducible in complexity, though. I hope I could explain this somewhat coherently. Also, please feel free to disregard this completely. It's not a professional concern; it's just an idea that popped into my mind when I saw your post.


I'm aware of the simplification yes XD But I haven't been doing that! I should start. It would have made experimentation a lot faster and I can pump out more. Thanks man I think I just need to dig into story more really...So I know what he'll be wearing and why.


Glad my comment was helpful. 🙂 Concerning the story: do you already know for sure what kind of style the world will have? Standard European medieval fantasy, Japanese-inspired fantasy, steampunk, seemingly standard European medieval fantasy with a lost civilization using highly-advanced magical technology, etc. Probably a redundant comment, but that could be a good point to start.


It's gonna be like...Ghibli-ish and a mixed of Asian culture...I'm taking Legend of Korra as inspirations or ATLA