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First concept for the comic :)

I'm trying to grasp the size differences here, and also how low energy characters express themselves compared to high energy character

Can't wait to finish this.

PS. I really like Rayko, he's so cute XD

Any question about the lore are welcome :) 




Rayko doesn´t look all that low energy :0 he reminds me of my cat... cute but deadly =v=


Yeah I wouldn't say he's low energy too but compared to a REALL REALLY high character like Taz....XD

Ereros Art

Your characters are amazing 😍


I’ve been trying to think of lore questions for a few days now. Just kind of as a way to pick your brain. What was the deciding factor for the machine heavy realm to invade the demon realm? What are they hoping to gain for going to war with them? Or what are they after (minerals power/land/subjugation)? Is there a magic system, you mentioned bloodlines tie into certain demons for pacts. Is all of your magic blood based or is there other ways magic is incorporated into the structure of your realm? Are all the main characters from from the demonverse connected (like from one village) or are they from different parts of the demon realm and if so does the cultures differentiate to a point, for example, where one clan mistrusts another? Or perhaps there was a generational feud between two regions? Or is it generally more peaceful then other realms. Leaning into the former is there issues with class systems where one region had a better system of rule(regional government ) or put those connected to the six demons on a higher rung of status. For example one character could be from the slums and had to steal to get by while another lived their live in luxury because their family was know to be more connected (from legends or something) to the demons. Because each regions vary based around topography and natural resources how will that effect how each region is built. Will there be massive cities where the wealthy live/more opportunities for commerce and trade or will there be small derelict villages just trying to get by. I realize you may not want to give spoilers, but these are just some of my thoughts. I love your art and your characters. I’m excited to see how your comic comes to fruition.