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Hi gays!

Happy Pride!!! Hope you're having a great month!! And don't forget to support independent gay creators and artists if you can :)

I spent hours and hours on this one XD But I had fun! And I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Here I think it'd be good idea to guide you through my process, these pictures are arranged in a step by step manners

1. After I finalized and clean up my sketch I do a line art, after I'm done with the line art I duplicate the line layers, gaussian blur the copied layer and switch it to darken so I have clean looking lines

2. I add base color, I go for grays cuz I don't wanna get overwhelmed with color just yet

3. I lay down the first value AKA the main shadow, I usually shade with purple on a Linear burn layer and adjust the opacity depending on the intensity of the lighting

4. I add the occlusion shadow which the darker gradation of the main shadow underneath the main shadow.

5. I lay down my flat colors, nothing fancy. And I add some darker gradation on his lower body so I can lead your eyes to his face and upper body

6. I add highlight which a pops of greyish yellow brush strokes on Overlay layers

7. Add rim light, it's just a white bright light coming from his back and above. I just use white on a normal layer. His have cooling down the color scheme

8. I add bounce light. Which basically a rim light that occurs at the base of the shadow, I use blue on a glow layer

9. I add a white outline to separate elements that are overlapping each other 

10. Now we're entered a rendering phases, from here on it's just rendering, I added some fun elements and glits and glams

11. I add a graffic background elements

12. Final touch up, hours and hours rendering and color balancing and you'll get there, I promise :)

I really hope that's not too confusing XD If you have any questions, please ask away :) 




Wow wow wow!!!


I absolutely LOVE your use of color in this piece 💕 Happy Pride!!! 🏳️‍🌈