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A New Year.

A new, and hopefully better direction. I can kind of say it's so far, so good.

Thank you for your kind patronage. Your encouragement to keep me going and trying to do better is greatly appreciated. I'll continue to strive to do more for you folks. Make things here more engaging.

Here is the Jan 2021 Supporter Rewards. I've been trying to do more color art, but that unfortunately means fewer sketches getting done. I expect to get faster over time. We shall see.

Thank you again. I hope your year has started well and that it'll keep getting better.

January 2021 Supporter Rewards 



Hey, welcome to the new year, Ken! Thanks for all the great work you've graced us with last year

Bloo Taur

...not to 'this aged poorly' this, but wow what a difference a day makes. :/ That said, thank you _SO_ very much for the work that you do and for sharing it, and for being the awesome and wonderful person that you are.


this pack is rich in colorful art, it's great. thank you very much for all these crazy ladies that you shared Courg :)