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A massive thank you to everyone supporting Danger Zone One on Patreon! It cannot be overstated how valuable, vital, and appreciated your support is in keeping DZO running. I’m realizing now that I never made an update post last month, so it’s a bit late, but Happy New Year! 

Now that we’ve finished Reena’s shower scene, we’re switching focus to Madison, who has a mission of her own. These recent (and upcoming) pages are probably some of the most detailed ones we’ve done in DZO, mostly due to the extensive background art needed (posters, signs, bottle labels, etc). It’s been a lot of fun to put these pages together, but they’ve also taken two to three times longer to make than the typical DZO pages. So, please bear with us as we may be late with some of the ‘early access’ posts and the Pallad City Stories pages. Salaiix and I originally discussed producing the DZO pages faster and not doing as much detail, so we don’t fall behind. But, ultimately, we decided it would’ve been a shame to do that and, instead, put 200% into these pages. 

This month on Patreon is going to be filled with new sketches, concept art, pinups, NSFW content, and some more CG animation tests (including a couple NSFW ones!). So, while the Pallad City Stories pages may get pushed back a little, there’s no shortage of other content on the way. 

Again, thank you for the support and I hope everyone is enjoying the comic and Patreon content! 


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