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A massive thank you to every Patreon supporter, both old and new, for making Danger Zone One and GunRiot possible! Only through your support are these comics able to continue.

This week we finish up Chapter 21, but you won’t have to wait long to see what happens to Reena — we’ll be returning with Chapter 22 on November 22nd. Next week (November 15th and 19th) we won’t be posting new DZO pages and, instead, we’ll post all-new Danger Zone Onesies. This will give Salaiix some time to catch up on pages and for us to get ahead of schedule. Of course, GunRiot, Pallad City Stories, and all of the regular Patreon artwork, pinups, sketches, animations, and NSFW art will continue uninterrupted.

As always, we have a ton of new content on the way for November! Salaiix has been hard at work on more color pinups, a new 3D animation test, some sexy character sketches and so much more, all to be seen exclusively on Patreon this month!

Also, a quick note about this week's Pallad City Stories page — we usually post them on Friday, but Salaiix is running a bit behind on it (there's a lot of extra detail on this one). It'll either be uploaded later tonight or on Sunday afternoon.


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