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It’s been a while since the last Q&A, but I’ve recently received requests for a new one, along with some new questions.

—I’m really liking the Pallad City Stories bonus comics. Will this Miss Bliss chapter be longer than the Kijo one?

The current “Pleasure Pursuit” storyline will definitely be longer. We’re still in what’s basically the prologue with Miss Bliss and L’Ceal. The main plot’s yet to come. Not to give too much away, but we’ll be seeing the return of the Combustion Crew (Lala, Karie, Tessa) and we’ll finally get to meet Mari Vetra—an officer with the PCPD’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID). In addition, we'll dive into Miss Bliss’s backstory and her early youth, which connects to a brand new scheme she’s cooked up. In short, “Pleasure Pursuit” ties more closely to events in the main DZO storyline than the Kijo chapter did.

—Do you think you’ll release more Danger Zone One prose novels? 

I enjoyed writing the previous ones but, unfortunately, just haven’t had time to work on more. Hopefully that will change in the near future. I do have outlines for more stories already mapped out and ready to go. 

—The Horror High arc’s been fun and it’s great seeing Reena in her little uniform. I’m going to miss all her interactions with Ms Thorne when it’s over. Will HH be coming to an end soon? Hope not. 

You're in luck, we still have more Horror High to go! The title actually has double meaning. It fits Reena’s situation at Sumter Academy—but it also reflects the horrific drug "high” connected with the Afterlife crisis in Pallad City. We’ll be getting much more into that with Madison in the coming chapters, while Reena's stuck at Sumter investigating.    

—Loving the animations with Madison and Reena. Will there ever be animated shorts?

That’s one of the goals. Salaiix is currently still working on movements, expressions, outfits, etc. But eventually we’re hoping to do some short animations, similar in tone to the Danger Zone Onesies. There may even be some NSFW ones as well! 

—Are you going to try different styles for the animations like having ones that look like they do in the comic?

For now we’re sticking with the DZO Climax style, since that’s been easier to work with and animate. Salaiix and I did speak about a more "realistic" visual style, similar to the main DZO comic—but that’s a little too advanced at the moment. It could be a possibility down the road, though! 


That wraps up this month's Q&A! Thanks for all the great questions!! If you have any questions you want answered in a future Q&A, you can do so by sending me a private message through Patreon or an email via MidnightPublishing@yahoo.com (just make sure to put Q&A in the subject heading).


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