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Aaron Morton

It was about that time, Zoe knew she fucked up.

Agent Mania

Wednesday already?


Will Reena save Zoe form the evil gargoyle? Find out next time on daner zone ball z

Stuart Little

Save her, Sergeant Angel!!


Hmmm whoever did that might be strong enough to topple a statue. Or if they hadn't been strong enough there might be evidence like tools or marks that might give a clue.


I probably shouldn't laugh, but goddamn that's funny!


Waht. So the killer knew, with almost 100% accuracy, that Zoe would stop in THAT exact spot, and even stay there long enough to be a target for a falling statue..... AND the killer would have to already BE on the roof beforehand... I am flabberghasted. How on planet earth?


Unless, of course, the killer just randomly was on the roof, and decided to just kill Zoe for fun? Or maybe Zoe always goes to that corner to smoke, or something, so the killer knew?


There's definitely going to be a explanation for it, but it won't be revealed right away :)

Devin Brooks

Yeeaaaa that's super lame the whole super convenient placing of zoe and timing of the killer etc etc. Whatever


To me, a "Sherlock Holmes"-like mystery is not lame, no matter how "convenient" things seem to be, because you know there is going to be a reveal at the end, explaining everything.