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I'm currently working on two short Danger Zone One stories. Each will run around 10,000 words and feature plots that, as of yet, haven't made it into comic form. Once finished, they will be posted in-full on Patreon for the $5 tier and above. Have a preference to which one you'd like to read first? Just post your selection in the comments below! 

Below are the titles and brief descriptions of each story:

"Anything but tentacles! What lurks beneath Pallad City?"  -- Construction on the hyper rail beneath Pallad City has come to a stop. Civil engineers have reported a monster lurking in the subway and the Pallad City police have assigned Reena and Madison to investigate. Expecting to find the stuff of urban legends, the pair end up uncovering something out of their wildest nightmares: a bio-mechanical tentacled monstrosity! But where did it come from? And could it have anything to do with a missing scientist, known for his insane creations?  (Cover sketch for the story is above.)

"The Unhappiest Place on Earth!" -- Reena has the day off and Haley, her best friend from Old Metro, is in town to visit.  But what should have been a fun trip to a theme park turns into a nonstop rollercoaster of terror. Something strange is going on at Fantasy Funland, but could a series of bizarre occurances be related to several missing young women? It's up to Reena to solve the mystery before it's too late!



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