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Hope everyone is doing well and that you’re safe during this crazy time. 

On a positive note, we’re still on schedule with tons of new content for April. Our frequent update schedule will remain the same, which means fresh content almost every day. Hopefully, whether it’s reading the new pages of DZO each week, or checking out our upcoming Patreon uploads, we can provide a fun little daily distraction from everything else.

This month we’ll have tons of new sketches, pinups, and NSFW content headed your way, but with some extra goodies thrown in. Last month I posted an ‘80s/‘90s style “anime screenshot” of Reena. I spoke with the artist and we’re going to work on a series of these, with a new one posted every other week. Tomorrow we’ll feature Madison and then, later this month, we’ll do Kijo. 

I’ve been speaking with Salaiix about possible new content and something he suggested was a “Date with Reena” (NSFW) mini-story, in color. We might try this on Patreon in late spring/early summer. I also received a suggestion about us doing Reena/Madison interviews — where Patreon supporters could send their questions to the girls, who then answer them. I thought that was an interesting concept, and would be open to doing that if there was interest in it. 

A little update on our previous poll regarding art of Reena/Madison in various anime, manga, video game themed outfits — Salaiix is hard at work on these and, as of now, we’re planning to get to everyone’s suggestion. We’ll have a number of these posted throughout the month. The ones we don’t get to in April, we’ll continue in May/June. There were a bunch of great requests, and Salaiix is hyped to work on them all.

We have more "S-exercise" pages coming this month too. It seems readers are really liking this H-chapter, and it's definitely my personal favorite 18+ chapter thus far! 

On a side note, the “like” button on Patreon started working for me again! (For some reason I was unable to “like” any comments for most of March.)

I sincerely appreciate everyone's support of the comic and for continuing to read Danger Zone One! The best is yet to come :)



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