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It's September already (wow!), and we have a bunch of exciting Danger Zone One content scheduled for this month!

--New artwork! As always, a steady stream of SFW/NSFW artwork will be updating frequently. This includes work-in-progress sketches, layouts, and an assortment of DZO art from numerous artists, including Salaiix, Rui, Mizuka, Lunalieth, CarlesS, and more.

--Color Pinups! We have a few coming this month, both SFW/NSFW, so stay tuned for those! 

--DZO: Interactive! We just started our new Interactive chapter last week, titled Danger Star One -- a non-canon / sci-fi adventure. As I'm sure you've noticed, the first page was in color. The second page is currently being worked on, and will also be in color. I love the way they're looking, but one of the downsides is that they do take considerably longer to complete--we'll see if we can speed it up a bit on future pages. However, I'm not entirely sure if *all* of the Interactive pages will be in color. We may go back to black and white, depending on where our Patreon goals stand in the next few weeks. A couple months back we were nearly at our next milestone, but between people dropping out and payment declines, we're now substantially lower. It just might not be financially feasible to continue with color pages. 

--H-Chapter! Mizuka's "Off-Duty Training" 18+ mini chapter will wrap up this month. It'll then be available for Patreon supporters at the $10 tier in PDF format. 

--Kickstarter / Visual Novel Progress! We're currently hammering away on the Volume 2 print edition and  visual novel.  As these projects move along, I'll post WIP art, which you'll be the first to see (one of the perks of being a Patreon backer!). We also have some incredible new art for various Kickstarter backer rewards that I'll start revealing later this month and into October. 


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