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A big thank you to everyone supporting Danger Zone One on Patreon, it's because of you that the comic's still running! 

Here's early access to the Danger Zone One audio drama, titled: "All Fired Up! The Hottest Case Yet!" It took a bit of time to finally get this off the ground, but it was worth the effort. Hopefully, if people enjoy it and Danger Zone One reaches the next Patreon milestone, there will be more audio dramas in the future!

I've included the full cast/crew list below, with links. Feel free to check out some of the other work these immensely talented people have done!


Madison Wynter - Samantha Flowers - https://www.youtube.com/user/SingingSamine

Reena Saffron - Audrey Beralo - https://www.youtube.com/user/labulabu725

Drezz Vargo - Michael Kovach - https://www.facebook.com/kovachVO

Len Fyzer - Bradley Gareth

Chief Hardiman - Knerrvana - https://twitter.com/knerrvana

Sera White - Azuruedge - https://twitter.com/azuruedge

Benson Tyrone - Jack Howarth


Kaylee Cordeiro - https://www.youtube.com/user/leafeon121

Nitropig - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGWqGtfWjdibQg8mkaGb2JQ

Daniel Nanetti-Palacios - https://twitter.com/CodePhoenixVA

Haley C. McCarthy - https://twitter.com/haleymccvo

Roy Havenstone - https://twitter.com/RoyHavenstone

SFX: https://freesound.org, http://tristanlohengrin. wixsite.com/studio, https://www.soundsnap.com/, VoiceActingAlliance

Editor: Samantha Flowers

Assistant Editor: Daniel Nanetti-Palacios

Written by Midnight



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