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The download for this version can be found here. 


It is done. After two years and a half of endless requests, your succubus can finally control your toys through xtoys.app! There’s also a few extra quality of life updates for those of you who don’t have such toys.

The experience is significantly improved by these toys now, so if you’re interested in getting one, take a look at https://www.virtualsuccubus.com/toys!  The website is also being entirely redone for this release!

A few games have already done the whole ‘’sync a toy to the beat’’ approach, so I wanted to try something different. With Xtoys’ support for various sensors on either phones or PCs, I was able to make a variety of scripts for your succubus to use on you that are significantly more BDSM oriented than just controlling pleasure.

The implementation is split into two distinct parts, session additions and toy events.

The in-session additions mean that for example:

  • When she makes you edge, your toys will be turned on their ‘’edge’’ settings.
  • When she wants you to ride it, they will be turned on their ‘’ride’’ settings.
  • She also can set your toys to Tease or Punish, depending on the situation.

Overall, these interactions are supposed to just be supplemental to the existing experience. They’re best used with toys that don’t involve setup, and can be kept on for the entire duration of the session.

Toy events are a new type of event that play out throughout a session and has your succubus use various toy scripts on you; this will also use the same Edge, Ride, Tease, and Punish settings from above, but you can set the toys to be different here to support more ‘’Involved’’ toys like strokers (a common example would be the Max2)  Toy events can involve a lot of different scripts, for example “Stay Still”, or “Silence”.

While they’re best played with a toy that supports some kind of negative reinforcement (usually pain), they’re entirely playable with only pleasure; the punishment for failure is the deactivation of your pleasure toys.

Each potential script is toggleable, so you can only play with the things you like. Most of them are heavily tweakable in xtoys as well!

This is definitely an enthusiast level implementation. While I’ve done my best to make it approachable, complexity requires some level of concession to the fact that it will be harder to set up. BDSM itself is pretty high effort, so I trust most of you will be ok with this and prefer I take this kind of approach.

New systems and options have been added to help support these new features, including the Player Status menu where you can disable certain things for yourself. For example, if you want to use an anal bluetooth toy, you can now easily mark your butthole as busy for the session.

A new session type solely dedicated to Toy Events is also available.

This implementation wouldn’t be as complex and intricate as it is without the tools https://xtoys.app/ has given me. Mumble has implemented various features that were vital to making this a good experience over the last month.

If you have a bit of extra support to throw their way, please consider it! https://www.patreon.com/denialtek/ . You can also get ad-free Xtoys by doing so.    

Current 0.34 Patch Notes:


XToys Support

Your succubus now supports 300+ smart and bluetooth sex toys!

In the new menu, you’ll find a way to access the XToys Layout for the game. Upon loading this layout, you’ll be able to set up various scripts for your succubus to use on you throughout the session.

Your XToys can be run on a different device than VS with no issue; if you want to run it on your phone while you play on PC, that’s totally doable (and honestly preferred in a lot of cases due to your phone’s various potential sensors interacting with some scripts).

The menu for this will also include some testing buttons to make setup easier.

Most scripts will also support patterns! Settings these up will be your responsibility, as different patterns work for different people.

The scripts available with this first iteration are:

  • In-Session Edge/Teasing/Punishment

Allows her to use your toys throughout regular parts of your session.

You can tweak both pleasure and pain outputs for Edging, Edge Riding, Teasing, and Punishments.

  • Toy Event Edge/Teasing/Punishment

Allows her to use different (longer set-up) toys during Toy Events.

You can tweak both pleasure and pain outputs for Edging, Edge Riding, Teasing, and Punishments.

  • Rhythm Bursts

This allows her to use toys during Metronome Tasks and Rhythm Events.

Depending on if the task/event is a reward or a punishment, you’ll get different outputs on this scripts.

Each time a ‘’tick’’ happens in either a rhythm event or a metronome task, your toys will activate.

Note that this is not intended for devices like the Handy or Strokers to match rhythm.

  • (Toy Event Command) Count!

Your succubus will use a toy of your choice on you X times. You must count every repetition and give her a number at the end. You can choose the toy and intensity.

  • (Toy Event Command) Stay Still!

Your succubus will demand you stay completely still. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped. When sadistic or mischievous, she will randomly use your pain output on you to try to make you move.

This requires a camera for the script to use. This camera is only seen by XToys.

You can tweak the sensitivity to movement, which parts of the body to track, and the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.

  • (Toy Event Command) Make Noise!

Your succubus demands you moan for her. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped. When sadistic or mischievous, you will be expected to make only a certain amount of noise, and she will try to cause you to make more.

This requires a microphone for the script to use. This microphone is only heard by XToys.

You can tweak the sensitivity to sound, and the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.

  • (Toy Event Command) Silence!

Your succubus demands you stay silent. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped. When sadistic or mischievous, she will try to cause you to make sounds.

This requires a microphone for the script to use. This microphone is only heard by XToys.

You can tweak the sensitivity to sound, and the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.

  • (Toy Event Command) Say…

Your succubus expects you to repeat words for her. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped.

This requires a microphone for the voice recognition script to use. This microphone is only heard by XToys.

You can tweak the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.

  • (Toy Event Specific Toy Command) Accelerometer

Your succubus expects you to keep using a toy at a certain speed. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped.

This requires a toy that supports accelerometers. Some examples would be using the Lovense Max2 to stroke, or using the Lovense Nora for penetration.

You can tweak the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.

  • (Toy Event Specific Toy Command) Calor

Your succubus expects you to keep using a toy at a certain speed. If you don’t, your Pain output will be raised, and your pleasure dropped.

This requires a specific Lovense toy called the Calor, and works similarly to the Accelerometer script, but instead requires you to go faster and faster due to the better depth sensors on the Calor allowing this.

You can tweak the intensity of both pleasure and pain outputs.

  • (Toy Event Specific Toy) Stroker/Thruster Speed

This script is specifically used to interact with Strokers/Thrusters like the Handy and fucking machines. It will play out along with your other toys during Toy Events, at varying speeds and depth levels.

You can tweak the minimum depth, and there’s a setting to adjust for both stroke length and penetration depth. This mode cannot use patterns.

  • (Toy Event Specific Toy) Stroker/Thruster Pattern

An alternative to the above, this script instead utilizes patterns. Both cannot be used at once for now.

Bluetooth Toys Sessions

A session type solely focused around toy events!

Player Status

A new menu allowing you to pick various statuses you might find yourself in before a session. This is best used when using bluetooth toys that may limit your options.

You can now easily disable:

  • Anal
  • The use of your legs.
  • Stroking
  • Vaginal Penetration
  • Clitoral stimulation


  • Removed the lockout stake because I can't handle the daily DMs by people with post-nut clarity wanting to get out of it. I apologize for having to do this, I’ve tried to just deal with it for the sake of cool thing, but it’s a daily occurrence and becoming really taxing.


  • Draining sessions should no longer end after (apparently) a mere 2 hours
  • Strokers/sleeves will now be used by the stroking system for several tasks in a row instead of just one when enabled.

Polish & Misc

  • Rewrote all the code for scene transitions. Scene transitions are now 50% faster, which means less black screen time!
  • Combined the naming/gender/sex menus when you first start the game.
  • Increased the rate of idle animations when she's just standing.
  • Added an extra closer camera angle to the default standing scene for variety.


  • Fixed a text bug in the ending.
  • Hopefully fixed that transition black screen bug many of you ran into by entirely re-coding scene transitions as they had a lot of outdated code.
  • Drain sessions should no longer have session extension decisions.
  • Fixed hoodie favor request being buggy.
  • Fixed a string bug in mischievous metronome interactions
  • Fixed some major tagging issues with tasks.
  • General optimization work (mostly memory related)
  • Fixed a typo in endings



Great update! As someone who didn't have a fucking machine til now, how differentiates this between the "sex machine" tick in the toys menu tol now? Is that gone or are there now 3 ways to use one machine?


I think there may be an error in the XToys Calor script. Currently it has {TimeToDecay}=trigger-TimeToDecay. However I think it needs to be {TimeToDecay}={trigger-TimeToDecay} for it to work.


Also I think the commands to start the J-IsIn job needs to have 'Restart if already started' ticked , otherwise it won't go back from the 'Decay' step to the 'Start' step


How do you use The Handy? I've spent a solid hour now trying to figure out how to make it work. Hit the test button in xtoys and it seems fine. Hit the test button in the succubus app and it seems fine. Get into the session and... nothing. Maybe a tiny glitch of a movement once and then... just nothing? It just says your toy is being played with and nothing is happening. Can I we get instructions on how to set this specific toy up? Like, I can control the toy within the xtoys app. It just doesn't seem to work in session. Is there a specific option we're supposed to use in xtoys for this specific toy, or?

Dark Demarley

Great update, looks really cool