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The full patch notes can be found here.

Here's the download link for 0.14!

Please note that similarly to last month, your toggles will be reset upon the first time you launch a 0.14 build.

The Metronome Volume option has also been reset for all players, as for some reason it wasn't defaulting to ''on'' before and many didn't know about its existence.

If you played 0.14 pre-releases, both of these things have already occurred for you.

Known Bugs:

  • Some few android devices seem to be slowing down to a crawl after a certain point.
    I could use more information on this bug if it happens to you (when does it start? device? etc)
    Update: This appears to be related to rhythm events on certain android devices. If you're running into this issue, you may want to try deactivating them until it's fixed.

Edit: Stable2 Fixes

  • Fixed some eye rendering issues for certain android devices.
  • Fixed popin text scaling & positioning issues for certain resolutions.

Edit: Stable3 Fixes

  • Fixed Futa mode.
  • Fixed piercings appearing bright pink.

Edit: Stable4 Fixes

  • Fixed animations not adjusting to futa.
  • Fixed too much spacing between popin texts.
  • Fixed frame drops when changing time limit slider.

Edit: Stable5 Fixes

  • Fixed infinite rhythm events.

Download Link: https://succudev.itch.io/virtual-succubus-stable-builds-february-2021

Password: PQWU762



I still have a texture bug on my moto e5 Android it's her hair and eyes


Issue from Pre-Releases persist. Game slows down unbearably slow after a few minutes. AA/Post Processing/Background all disabled. FPS usually fluctuates between 20-45 fps but gets stuck on 3 when this occurs. The game definetly is not 3 fps though and the game logic also appears to slow down a lot. Counters etc dont progress probly in the slow application state.


Could you try to notice exactly when the slowdown starts happening? Can't replicate it whatsoever, and there's only been a couple reports since pre-release. It's likely to be tied to some devices/an incompatibility, but there's not enough info yet for me to find a pattern.


Oneplus 3T here, noticed it happens every time she walks around you and sometimes during counted events. How long it takes for it to trigger is variable. I'll try to run some sessions to find a reproducible pattern.


Update: Previous statement is wrong. I dont think gameplay has anything to do with the issue. Started the game and waited in main menu (post passcode) and the issue still appeared after 5-10 minutes of just waiting. Everything slows down alot and game just seems to run very slowly. Inputs does get registered but takes a long time before they do.


Exact same problem on a OnePlus 3, looks like a device problem to me


This is happening on a Samsung Note 9 as well. I think it is due to the rhythm events. Here’s what I have observed: 0.14 Stable 2 FPS capped at 60, rhythm events on: slowdown after 30-60 minutes of gameplay. FPS capped at 20, resolution 25%, background off, post-processing off, particles disabled, rhythm events on: slowdown after 30-60 minutes of gameplay. FPS capped at 20, particles disabled, rhythm events off: no problems observed after +120 minutes of gameplay. Played about 5 sessions like this. 0.14 Stable 5 FPS capped at 20, particles disabled, rhythm events off: no problems observed after +120 minutes of gameplay. FPS capped at 20, particles disabled, rhythm events on: slowdown after 60 minutes of gameplay. Played through two rhythm events before the slowdown; the slowdown occurred a while after my last rhythm event. FPS capped at 60, rhythm events off: no problems observed after +180 minutes of gameplay, had to stop testing due to battery issues. While I did proceed as if I had done the tasks, I didn’t actually do them this time; I hope Succu-Chan doesn’t get too mad at me :( Summary: I have observed that the slowdown occurs only when the rhythm events are turned on (i.e. not set to 0% in the events menu). I have also observed that the slowdown does not necessarily occur during the event itself. The graphics settings do not seem to be affecting the issue. I am not sure whether the event actually has to happen to initiate the slowdown problem, or if the event probability being set to != 0% is enough to trigger the problem. These observations have held true for multiple +120 minute trials in two different versions of the game, and one +180 minute trial on the latest release hitherto. Things to note: Unless otherwise stated, the graphics options are at their default values. The slowdown does not happen gradually: it happens within a matter of seconds. For 0.14 Stable 2, I had the infinite rhythm event bug. For both 0.14 Stable 2 and 0.14 Stable 5, during the rhythm events, even though I do not see any FPS drops on the FPS counter there is a visible stutter which is very noticeable with the pink particles (so I turned them off). The stutter also affects the rhythm, where some beats are irregularly placed (this happens even when the particles are turned off). During one of the slowdowns in 0.14 Stable 2, the slowdown got better by itself after a few minutes. After working properly for a few minutes, it occurred again and didn’t go away. I do not remember the details, but as far as I can remember the slowdown got better after I started charging my phone. This happened only once – I couldn’t replicate this afterwards. When the FPS is capped at 60, the maximum FPS reached is 52, with negligibly minor stutters. I was never able to replicate any of the aforementioned problems in the PC version. Some other notes that are not related to the slowdown issue: The time counter for endless mode (it’s been 20 minutes, etc.) doesn’t seem to be accurate. During my +180 minute test in which I had a timer on, the in-game counter showed less. It looks like the counter updates by +10 minutes everytime +10 minutes pass, which can cause the counter to lag behind. Example: 14 real time minutes pass, counter shows 10; +14 real time minutes pass (total 28), counter shows 20; 14 real time minutes pass (total 42), counter shows 30. When I installed the app in Samsung’s Secure Folder, the performance was significantly worse when compared to installing normally. In addition, game data cannot be transferred from the Secured Folder to outside (I guess the Secure Folder contains the clipboard as well). This could perhaps aggravate the slowdown issue; nevertheless, the afore discussed observations were all done on an application installed normally – outside of the Secure Folder. I hope my observations will be of use to you. If you’d like me to test out anything else please let me know. I love the game so far, and I am so excited to see what else you will be bringing to the table!


Geez, that is insanely thorough, thank you. I'll be looking more closely at rhythm events, and will add a disclaimer for .14 that they may cause fps drops for certain android devices. For now if anyone has this issue, I suggest trying to turn them off or playing on PC, as I can't really promise this'll be fixed with another .14 build. I have to get started on next month's features so they can be properly tested before their release, and cannot prioritize an issue happening on a few devices for one platform for one event. I'll be updating this reply if I find a fix. Edit: Seems to actually be related to the FPS cap. Try disabling it.


@sentoro15 Tried turning off Rythm events, did not change anything. Issue still appears.