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what kind of things would you like to see Roleplay wise / nsfw wise?


Xavius Night

That sounds adorable - is it intended for sizeplay themed stuff, or just a general-sized mouse avatar? As for things to see in roleplay, any sort of cuddling would be nice. Kinda want to get a lullaby or other sleep aid type video. Could be combined with nsfw via some sort of sexy times followed by gentle aftercare.


the avatar in itself is like 3-4ft ish by default. Sleepaid could work cause mouses can be quiete cuddly and look sweet while their asleep :"D.

Sean O

I’d love to see a dual personality encounter. Innocent girl leads you back to her place, then they tie you up and reveal the (futa?) succubus/dragoness/demoness they really are. Then they proceed to play with you and your body in taker pov.