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Hehe this is a long one! Added like 40 mins to the initial 1 hr broadcast 😂




While rewatching &audition, it really makes me wonder why Fuma is so vocally underused in &team when he proved himself a lot on the show. He’s vocally stable and literally dances like it’s his last in all their promotions (he does not mess around with those relay dances). Sometimes I wonder if it’s a popularity thing or the producers just don’t think he fits &team’s music but if that’s the case then I disagree🤷‍♀️


I would love for you to react to &Team on The First Take. They performed Dropkick and Under the Skin there. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on their vocals on that show in comparison to your thoughts on their vocals on &audition.


In an interview not too long after &Audition, K mentioned that during the show, Jo practiced the most. And even during one of their variety videos on YT, when the prompt was "what would you do if you had one last day on Earth", Jo said he would practice (and then die 😂 ). His hard work has definitely payed off a lot.


I honestly really liked that Soma made that read on K. He was super talented in all aspects technically but not necessarily emotive. It formed a really nice transition for him into &team that pushed a more emotive concept and vocal color. I feel like Jo was able to really flourish because of this too in terms of both vocals and stage presence


Oooh! Have a fun time in Tokyo! For tips, similar to Korea, you'll need a transit card. If you wanna go shopping, I think some places take credit card, but you'll need to carry change more than anything as more places than you'd expect don't take card (at least a few years ago that was the case). Culturally, some things that we don't think about often are like what side of the road/sidewalk to walk on, also like if you're on an escalator usually people stick to one side of it and the other side of that same escalator is for those who wanna walk. If you're on the train, don't be loud. If you ever want to say "excuse me", like if you bump into people or you feel like you're in the way, sumimasen is a good word to use. That's all I can think of at the moment, but if there's anything else I can comment them as you watch the show!


It’s ridiculous how much I adore Gaku 🥹😭 Thanks for the reaction Jeff! Wonderful as always. ❤️


Hi Jeff, a half jap and half korean here, I thought I would be able to help you a little :). First off hope you have a great time in Japan! Carrying cash is definitely important when going to Japan. Also if you're thinking of going to a couple of prefectures like tokyo, kyoto, osaka, etc I recommended you NOT to get a JR pass (a ticket you can use to get to specific prefectures through a bullet train unlimitedly within a timeframe of 1 or 2 weeks depending on what you choose), in the past it was a pretty good deal and was much cheaper than getting individual tickets for each ride but they actually upped the prices at the end of last year. It's honestly a rip off now so I would highly recommend you to just get individual tickets when travelling. When you take a normal train or bus you'll need to get a transit card similarly to korea but different prefectures have differently transit cards so you'll need to purchase them.


In terms of culture, japanese people are more big on table manners than korea imo so keeping the tables clean, eating with your mouth open or chewing loudly is usually a no too, since it's pretty frowned and not being too loud in public spaces. Even though eating while walking is usually not a big deal in korea it's not really a good idea to do that in japan. I will say there are places like festivals and things which eating while walking is fine but usually people would go off to a corner or off to a side to stand and eat so you wouldn't be disrupting the walking traffic. If you buy a drink tho its fine to be drinking while you walk around. Oh also if you interested in drinking in japan note that your allowed to drink in public (pretty sure u can do the same in korea). I recommend using google maps when getting to places especially when taking public transport because some stations in japan are so big its easy to get lost, the trains are all colour coded and it will show on ur google maps too so it should relatively easy to understand :) I would say learning simple japanese phrases would help heaps since there are definitely less people in japan that can speak in english in comparison to korea. Also I wouldn't say this is necessary but when you say 'thank you' (arigato gozaimasu) I suggest bowing slightly (don't do like a full bow cuz thats really intense and could come off burdensome) to show your gratitude. It might be a little over the top so dw if you don't do it or forget but its kinda a nice gesture ig? But yeah foreigners in japan usually get a free pass for a lot of things. I will say tho the most important things are being quiet when on public transport, not eating while walking and if you feel slightly sick wearing a mask. Those are the things that I can think off from the top of my head so yeah. Sorry for writing so much ;( anyways hope I was able to help in any way :)

Camille Cruz

hi jeff! can you react/watch their Eightest(M2) episode? It's 1 1/2 hr documentary of sort for their war cry promotions. can find it on youtube


maybe a vocal tone fitting the song kinda thing. i’m starting to notice this more and more cause there are so many idols who have incredible voices but like u said are underused for no reason


I am learning a lot from your reactions! I'm always thankful for reactions like this cause I can get a lot of knowledge which is fascinating for me as a non-performer.