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Just made my coffee, what a perfect timing ❤️‍🔥

strange& sleepless

Well, looks like my theory was confirmed with this ep. I swear I didnt read the webtoon xD The two kiss scenes, the one from last episode and this one did go viral on twitter 😁

Julie Pham

The kiss scenes are so good Omg. Eunwooo!!!!


The kissing scenes are A+! Eunwoo put his whole bussy into it. The scheduling is such a shame because it keeps so many potential viewers away from the drama, DEEP SIGH. But I am very excited to see how Haena will break the curse on her family (because it would be way too sad to lose her uncle to dog diseases), and for them to finally EXPLAIN Bogum's damage lol.

Lani S

So my question to you Jeff, I haven't seen a lot of kissing scenes in the kdramas I've watched that actually show tongue. I just assume that when they're kissing with their mouths open and moving their heads, they're just making it look like there's something going on there but nothing really. Is what Eunwoo did typical in acting for shows that are not really supposed to be explicit? I was so shocked to see it from him that I had to rewatch his other kissing scenes (while squealing, mind you). Nothing in TB because I think the director told him to keep it PG, which meant there was a cut where it wasn't PG! In MIIGB, I did see a little bit. I also didn't see it in RH probably because of the angle, but there might be some there too. What I'm getting at is either this is just how Eunwoo kisses (I'm gonna die!) to make it look real and commit to that scene, or the 3 quick glimpses of tongue were strategically put there because they know fans will go wild. This has gone viral for sure, even more than the first one.


I think it's cause the setting and characters are more mature (theyre teachers vs students in TB), so there's a bit more with the kissing. also I feel like kdramas have evolved in the recent years allowing for better kissing scenes. from my experience, the way an actor kisses is a reflection of how they kiss in real life (so yes this is probably how he kisses for real 🫣). unless theres a big difference between the character and the actor - like if the character is really aggressive vs reservedness in real life.