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How many MARKs do YOU know??

EDIT: Oh i didn’t know the full eps are on Weverse! I will purchase it for the next eps! Thanks for the heads up guys!




So this isn't the full version of the episode😅. Youtube version is only the highlights of the actual thing which is like 40+ mins long. So alot things were cut out and missing. This person is releasing the full weverse versions on gdrive. https://twitter.com/thiact_ji39/status/1730672349240844510?s=19 You can also find it on Bilibili Otherwise from that, so happy that your reacting to this series😆😆😆. It's so funny


the ep on youtube is just a teaser. The full eps are being released on Weverse, but unfortunately, to watch the full EP on Weverse, u would have to pay for it. just wanted to let u know just incase u want to watch the whole ep. i think the full ep on wevrse is about 45 mins to an hour while the one on youtube is 20 mins.

7Dream 🌸 825

Hi Jeff 😊, actually, the full episode is only available on Weverse as paid content. I already purchased it, but I can't download the video for some reason. If you'd like, I'm willing to share my account—just DM me 😊.


Oh yeah and to answer ur question, yes when this happened everyone who was there filmed it and was all over twitter. Literally almost all the nctzens got so jealous that day including me. April 17th, the day that shall not be mentioned🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe next eps you can do a full eps jeff ☺️


This is so fun! HAHAHAHA

Star Galaxy

They just randomly popped out of nowhere in LA. I remember I was checking in at my hotel when they announced that they were doing the food truck thingy😭 I went but by the time I got there the line to actually be in the show was so long already so I just watched them dance (haechan was literally back-to-back dancing with another fan 😩), play games, hug and shake hands with other nctzens 😭💔 I was able to interact with Jisung tho! I called him Andy Park and he nodded and said "Yeah, Andy Park" with the cutest eye smile ever. I'm probably seen at the back in the next few eps LMAO

Erica Hamilton

Girl me too I was there! By the time I got there the line was so long and same I just watched them dance lol I was the tall girl in the front! 😭