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Getting close to the finale!

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This is "NOTICE" by Jeff Avenue on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.




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Kiwi Space

If you want to be a singer be a singer, if you want to be a dancer be a dancer. However if you want to be an idol, you should at least be a little well rounded because idols don't just dance they sing/rap also. I feel like certain people like K try to focus only on what they are good at or think is important and that is why the singing is often downplayed. Ni-ki did the same in the beginning as well. As for Jake, I think he really deserved it because he works hard and showed his improvement. As for the leader situation, I don't know K personally, we only get his personality based on this show and what the others say about him. It could be evil editing or it could not be, but he did come off a little passive aggressive (to me at least). And the situation with the music teacher was off putting, because K took charge all this time but when it came down to it he swiftly shifted the responsibility in a way to Heeseung, even Heeseung himself was surprised. Lastly, I think Dive into You was more appealing than Flicker. Both did good, but I just enjoyed it more.


It was really funny when you said that Flicker should have been an enhypen b-side cause it actually is

Diya_ Eliza

I can't watch the video Is there something wrong??

emotionless bot

All the members in flicker suited the song SO MUCH it's unreal but I agree the other members should've added more contemporary feeling to it AND the voting thing too,,, i was not happy with that back then lmao


I completely agree with the above comment on K. In the previous episode when he was appointed the leader he made all the decisions. And this time Heeseung was leader, he chose his members because he had an idea of what parts they would be good at and K totally steamrolled him and try to do everything the way he thought. And that situation with the vocal coach was not on. Heeseung had been trying to focus on the vocals and K shut him down every time but when there was an there was an authority figure there he totally took all the weight off of himself. I didn't have too many issues with K before this just putting it down to editing but after this I didn't really care whether he debuted or not.

Don't call me.

Amen to every thing u said. Especially the k thing. I remember people yelling "evil editing!" But you could really feel how tense the atmosphere was even without sound and the members even said it themselves so it wasnt really edited wrong since it was the atmosphere at the time. Also that teacher part...k really put the responsibility in heesung even tho it was him that basically took the leader spot from him.


there’s something wrong with the app. definitely try watching on the desktop browser


see i know people constantly say oh K had evil editing t which. i agree parts of it were.. but also the members are genuinely not completely comfortable with him and how he does things.. it’s different if it was one member but multiple said how it was tense and uncomfortable


its unfortunate because the group members really just stepped down to K because of his age and just general place he put himself in. i really love K but you can just tell he wants things to be his way, which is totally fine! just wish he let the others chime in too but everyone makes mistakes. i honestly really don't think K was ever evil edited.

Melissa O

So fun fact about the vocal coach. She just became CEO of her own group and they debuted just last week on 9/8/21. I learned about them from another YT duo who interviewed her about doing this I-Land show and being BTS’ vocal coach for years. The group is called “Luminous”. I could be incorrect about this, I don’t know the labels in South Korea, but I get the impression they are a small label? I enjoyed their debut song. Very groovy. Only they don’t have subtitles on anything. Hopefully that changes sometime along the way. It would be beneficial to them. They also have an Australian, so there is a fluent English speaker but not using that to full advantage yet. All that to say, I have no idea what they are saying, but they can sing! LOL. Here’s a link to their debut song “Run” if you want to check them out here, on the Tube, on your own or never. https://youtu.be/Y7kTjHt7SmI

Melissa O

Episode 10 is my favorite one of the whole series for multiple reasons. Looking forward to when you drop that one 🙂.


totally agree with you jeff! i think it was kind of contradictory of k to say that yes heeseung had his reasons for picking each member but they should also be to voice what parts they wanted. yet he practically decided & didn’t let the other members say what parts they wanted. you could genuinely tell there was tension in the room & it even made me a bit uncomfortable the first time i watched it. like remove the bg music & you can tell even more how awkward it was in there. the way they were practicing was like they were walking on eggshells around k & that made me really sad bc i love to see them goofing around in between practices & even sunghoon said he didn’t feel like practicing. i don’t think k’s a bad person at all. i just think he wanted to win so bad he kinda got like too into the competition mindset. its good that they talked about it & told him bc now he knows that he made a mistake & he definitely grows in his leadership skills as we see in the future episodes. you live & you learn from your mistakes, there’s no shame in that. also really excited for the next episode!! its so fun & we definitely see the fun the members have in practice which is how practice should be! yes you’re in a competition but at the end of this, these are the people you’ll debut with so it’s important to have fun & make memories & bond!


I think your assessment of K was correct and when it came down to him and Sunoo, the choice was clear in many peoples minds. Sunoo has a beautiful personality and works well in a group. He's bright and well rounded. K is talented and brings a certain appeal, but he didn't mold well. They needed a group who melded well together. I think he was creating a tense environment here. Plus Sunoo's popularity is hard to deny, so it was another clear point towards him. I understand people loving K. He's fun and great to watch and I think he's going to do amazing whatever group he debuts in. Flicker was my favorite performance of this episode, but I also love underdogs so I appreciated how hard the Dive Into You boys worked. Especially Jay! He impressed me for sure.


for reference, the reason why Jay felt so betrayed by Heeseung not picking him was because they were really close friends even before this show and have been training together for years. they even travelled together before so he was expecting Heeseung to pick him lol this episode was my turning point for Jay, he became one of my top picks onwards.


just to clarify I don't hate k lol I actually like him a lot & am looking forward to his future, I just thought it was a bit unfortunate that that happened. the members still became great friends tho and this situation only helped them to grow and bond more and let them talk about things easier!

Iris Lee

Heyy loved ur video, thx for making my day better :) fyi, do u know about enhypen's new album? they announced that the release date will be october 12th. cant wait!


I love K very much & I can see that K definitely made mistakes here in this episode. Just like Ni-ki & Heeseung who had issues with the teams in previous episodes, K was also dealing with issues working with team members. At this point, I was like "K, I am supporting you, why are you like this 😢? I was anxious to know later if K learned & changed for the better (Ni-ki & Heseeung did) after the Flicker team talked to him of which he cried & apologised or K went on on acting the same way as I was weighing on my support for him then at this point. Let's wait till the next episode & finale end before we make our final conclusions on K.


Hoping heeseung choose Jay instead of K, he did mentioned how K treated him in episode 2 and still he chose K. As he said he chose a members suited for flicker and for me it’s true Jay really suit dive in better. It’s just jay hope he and heeseung can be in one team together and felt betrayed because of their friendship. Nevertheless the outcome really make Jay’s global voting increased after this episode Jay finally got the spotlight for this challenge. Heeseung on the other hand who won the previous challenge and suppose to use the benefit just being left with a small part so sad.


Jeff: this sounds like an enhypen song


I think overall K is great but I'm really happy with who debuted in enhypen and i think people forget group dynamics when trainees are on a reality show like this. Because yes someone can be super talented but overall vibe of the group is a massive thing because it makes everyone shine and work better. So I'm happy K is debuting either this year or next year but the end result for enhypen works super well. This is why being a fan of someone in a show like this can be hard because sometimes you know they're talented but the group dynamic overall may not be the best fit for them (going through this right now cause I'm watching girls planet 999 so I've had these thoughts on my mind and I'm reflecting while watching i-land again)


K is super talented but it's a good thing he isn't in enhypen. He and heeseung would clash constantly, personality wise and on stage since both are super talented and can/want to be the center. for group dynamics it was wise to debut K in the japanese group instead of with enhypen. oh and K didn't make the final cut since 6 members were chosen through votes and 1 was chosen by the producers and someone online made a fake social media account where they had "proof" that K is a racist so a lot of fans stopped voting for him. after the last episode aired the person came clean saying they made it all up and faked the text and translation. and 1 last thing, a lot of people forget that all the participants are children/barely adults who are fighting for their dream. the career of an idol is hard and they're basically leaving them to figure everything out on their own so stuff like what happened in this episode was bound to happen.


I don't know how to explain it but the Way K and Niki treat Practicing/dance/music ec is very Japanese? Just that Niki is/was young enough to quickly adapt to the people around him and K isn't?! I honestly think the way Japanese dancers work in alot of ways kind of clashes with the Korean idol way, so of neither if them manages to adapt fast enough it can get VERY awkward.


I was so excited for episode 10 because of seventeen and I'm so excited to see your reaction to it because it's probably my favourite episode from i-land. Also when you said Jay reminded you of Eric because of his dancing I can totally see it and now can't unthink it and am gonna have that with me whenever I watch both of them dance.


It sounds like you don't know the final way it goes down at the end, so I don't want to spoil much. But the thing is that Ni-ki gets picked early and I personally think they're just so so similar that they (the company) would not want them on the same team. I think they are best as the dance leaders for individual teams (which is likely to happen with the new Japanese group with K). Also the person who is picked over K makes a TON of sense to include. Yes, evil editing may be involved but I think those factors are important too.


Second random thought I had: I'm gonna be SO CURIOUS what Jeff thinks of V's comment in the final when BTS visits and V went off script to complain about how good I-Land has it when they had absolutely nothing when they started. It's obvious that while things have turned out amazing for them, there is still some bitterness about the hard time they had as trainees/debuting idols. Esp. as I believe V/V's family helped them stay afloat/fed.


Many people like to use "evil editing" when it comes to K, but he lost fan support due to his off putting attitude. First questioning the fans votes when you need their votes in order to debut will not put them in your favor. His argument with niki was actually called out by Japanese speakers said his words were a lot harsher and condescending and it did not translate fully in english. It is also important to keep in mind that niki was only 14 while K was 23 at the time, he should have known better not to speak that way to a child. He constantly used his age as a way to intimidate the younger trainees. I think he's more suited to be a solo artist because he's not able to flexible when it comes to working in a group.


Random thought - Jeff dont you think that lack of mentorship might be a way of checking their teamwork or which of the members work together as a team? because Bang PD always focuses on like how the team should go together and be able to talk to each other freely. So maybe because their was no mentor, it came to light that the other members couldnt reach out as freely to K as they could to others like heesung or someone else. Because in the long term, it important for them to get all together, they have to be together as a team for a long time. Just a thought, would love to hear your opinion?


Hi Jeff. Flicker is a track in Enhypen debut mini album Border:One. Someone on YT did both Iland & Enhypen Flicker on 1 screen if you are interested. Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_-SbSxzKCY


I was eating and you said "grabbing crotches now" and I spit out some food haha