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'Ello luvs! Just a heads up, coming out REAL soon is a new demo of an Audio-narrated game I'm making called EUFC!

There is going to be TONNES of action in this one with LOTS and LOTS of different pathways to choose from - Will you play as Jasmine? Will you play as Bruno? Do you want to be a Jobber? Heel? Competitive? And then further down the game even MORE paths will open up deciding how the characters evolve! Maybe you play as Bruno and decide to leave Jasmine because you love wrestling men! Perhaps you play as Jasmine and you have to win back Bruno after another wrestler steals him from you?

This is going to be a LIVING game that evolves all the time!

This will be free to everyone but everyone on my 'One of the Staff' tier will be able to cast votes on what stories and fights I produce next!





I remember your Chyoa about those two and loved it. Hope this gets out asap.


I have the demo done! I just wanna re-record ONE little bit of audio before it's released! So it's landing VERY soon!