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Sadly... one of the Patrons here is taking all my work and posting every single page on other sites for free...

I don't know why somebody would do this to an independent artist who's struggling to make a living but it's having a vicious effect on me

So this is a plea... If you are the person pirating my work? Why?

Why would you do this?

Is there anything I can do to talk you into deleting all that work of mine you've given away?

I'm not looking to delete anyone's profile, I just want to open a dialogue and hope we can resolve this as piracy is pushing me close to bankruptcy and if I can't make a living doing this? Then I have to stop and get another job. Please... I'm begging you, lets talk and see if we can resolve this.

Maybe you think you're helping me? Spreading the work out to a wider audience? IF so, I'm happy to give you LOADS of promotional material and pics every week. just... contact me so we can talk

Message me. DM me. hell... email me on gemmafingrox@gmail.com if you're worried about losing your account. But PLEASE contact me

Yours depressingly

Heartbroken Gemma :(



Cmon. Help a struggling artist out and do the right thing. At least have an adult conversation before its too late.

Annie Lind

I'm so sorry Gems. People that do it on purpose suck. But there ARE some people out there who don't know the rules. Hope this gets cleared up for you!


I'm so sorry to read this is happening. I hope it stops. Some folks just don't GET it. They don't look at what artists do as WORK. It is. The reason for a patreon page, is an attempt to make money for our art.Everything artists do, just cant be FREE. Some folks refuse to understand.