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Well MY GAWD what a year it’s been!

I’m not sure if everybody who supports me here knows this but around the latter half of last year the landlord of the pub I owned screwed us over and that led to my business collapsing. That kinda sucked…

SO… I set upon building a smaller business to make sure none of my staff lost their jobs and from the wreckage of the pub, we created a café together 😊It’s actually been a lovely experience! But also brutally hard.

Pretty much since November/December last year I’ve been working full time at first building the business (I’m a DIY QUEEN! And this year I’m gonna try and learn how to weld. YAY! FIRE & STEEL BABY!!!) and then once the building was finished and the café opened I found myself stuck in the Kitchen ever since as since Brexit it’s been SOOOO hard finding good chefs (fucking Tories…)


I’ve FINALLY found a chef who’s really passionate and skilled and they start VERY soon! This means I’ll FINALLY be able to get back to working full time on my Patreon again! YAY!!! I was SO happy with the launch of Battle Milfs and the continued success of RoxErotique that it’s been really hard not being able to put in as much time as I’d like into them both… BUT NOW I CAN AGAIN!

And not only that…


My husband is finally back in work part time! So there are days where I have the place to myself! And that means… AUDIO EROTICA!

As some of you know, Chris knows about my Patreon and the smutty art I make but he doesn’t know that I do audio erotica and so since covid it’s been impossible to record anything at all… but I can start that up again and add to the hours and hours of smutty, slutty recordings I already have!

To that end, I’d LOVE to get some scripts from you lovely people! I can’t guarantee I’ll record them but if I take a real shine to them and I have the time I surely will put some down on a track for you!

The rules for submitting audio are…

- No more than 1 page of A4 – keep it hot, but TIGHT! No rambling lol

- Submit it on a Word format if you can so I can edit if need be

- It can be a story based on my characters or your own, or a mix! It’s all for fun so there aren’t any limits there 😊

- I have neighbours so I can’t be screaming and howling out submissions and the likes

- I find my best work is when I’m narrating a story from a 3rd person perspective, or regaling a tale that happened to me once upon a time… I CAN do live action scripts but narrated scripts tend to flow better for me 😊

- It can be anonymous or named, whatever works for you 😊

- Don’t be shy! You know I’m a filthy little minx, there’s no judgement here, let your fantasies roam free on the page! That way my whorish mouth can bring them to life for you 😉

- And finally, send them to gemmafingrox@gmail.com

That’s about it for this update! I hope every one of you are well and, as always, horny!

Love to you all!

Gemma xxx


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