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'Ello everyone ♥ Just wanted to let you all know how I'm doing and what's happening in Gemma land.

Slowly I've been working on myself and getting back to normal life and trying to get over this constant anxiety cloud that's been all around me. To that end I took a consultancy job working with a local business as they decorate and design a bar that is opening next week.

It's been rough going but working with my hands again and forcing myself to go out and socialise has been a big help, even if every muscle in my body is aching from all this hard labour lol (interesting Gemma Fact. I am awesome at carpentry and quite proficient at plumbing!)

This really has helped a lot and has led to me getting back in the kitchen and cooking proper meals again instead of constantly relying on Chris to support me. This week I've made us a slow cooked Brisket in red wine gravy, home made Gnocchi in creamy spinach sauce and today I made the most EPIC risotto I ever tasted!

All in all this is helping me get back to the old Gemma :) I still haven't created anything in over a month but luckily I produce my work with a 3 month lead time so I could keep my sexy stories going just in case anything like this ever happened and I feel very close to getting back to my smutty self

Well this has been a long post so I'll wrap up by saying a HUGE thank you for sticking with me through what's been a shitty start to the year, You guys literally keep me going and I love you all!

Lots and lots of sweaty love

Gemma xxx



You got this, Gemma. You're one tough cookie, you'll power through soon enough :)


Thanks for the update. So great to hear you a slowly working the process. We are right here for whatever you need.