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Hey everyone, as some of you have noticed I've not been posting on Twitter or DeviantArt or even been on my Discord this last few days. I don't like going dark and I owe you all an explanation and an apology.

I've been struggling a lot with my mental health this week, lots of anxiety attacks, depression and generally been super fucking low. It's not something I like discussing openly if I can help it. Especially here as I like this place to be all about the sexy side of life! But you all deserve to know why I've been MIA.

I'll be fine, I always am. You can't keep a good Gemma down! But bare with me a little longer while I ride this current storm out

Love you all

Gemma xxx



Take your time we still love ya


Be well and take whatever time you need to be well, we'll be here (and cheering you on)