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Since launching that Beta version the feedback I've got has been AMAZING! And SO much help!!! I can't thank you all enough! Especially on the spelling! :P Those who know me know I'm awfully dyslexic so any errors you find, make a note of where they are and tell meeeeee!!!

Anyway, I've done a fix of a lot of the spelling mistakes as well as fixed the glitch that was crashing the game when you got into a fight in the woods after you finished the town. And I've also added a book to the house that you can read at any time - it tells you all about the different states you can inflict (and suffer) in a fight - so when you slut your opponent out in future you actually know what that means :P )

And also I'm working on the next set of updates including equipment and fighting types! I originally had 6 different classes to choose from - Wrestler, Brawler, Boxer, Sex-Fighter, Grappler & Power Fighter but I might amend that slightly before I release it properly. Also I've programmed a TONNE of new moves and am working on the combat system in more detail, including enhancing a move. So you may learn 'Power Bomb' from the Blacksmith, but by specialising and training you can enhance that move to either a) Eat Out Power Bomb to increase sexual damage or b) Sit Out Powerbomb to increase Physical damage! It all depends what type of fighter you wanna be :)

And finally equipment! This has taken a while but it's getting there! If, for example you wanted to be a boxer you could equip boxing gloves that would GREATLY increase your striking damage! But would prevent you from using and slams or submission moves... so there's lots to think about on that side!

All this should be released in a few weeks with more map sections and more enemies to fight! Including my returning cameo role as the Cat-Woman who hates you :P hehe

Thanks for reading you lovely people! xxx


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