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Hey everybody! As most of you know I was made redundant and lost our accommodation about 2 months ago and have been living with a friend for quite a while now but now (and very much thanks to you all!) Chris and I are buying a home of our own and we're in the final stages of completion :)

Helen (the friend we're staying with) is going travelling soon so to make her life easier we're moving all our stuff into storage and sofa hopping with a friend who lives just a street away from the house we're buying :)

It means for the time being my online activity will likely be sporadic but I'll still be making posts each week, don't you worry about that!

We hope that within a week (two at the most) we'll be in our new digs! And then I can FINALLY get some time to myself to record some more audio!!!!

To all the folks who've been so wonderful and patient waiting for their Audio commissions I am eternally grateful and hope my slutty voice and honey'd tones more than make the wait worth while for you when we do finally move into our place and I get your fantasies put onto tape!

To all the people who usually message me, email me or chat with me on Discord, DeviantArt or here, please bare with me as I may be slow to reply during this move

Lots of love to you all!

Gemma Rox xxx


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