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Hey everybody! I thought I'd put up a little update as a lot of you have been asking how things are going (thank you all for your thoughts! ♥ )

Still jobless at the moment but I have a very interesting prospect coming up that should lead to me being back and working in 2 months with a brand new business! In the meantime my hubby's paycheck and your wonderful support is keeping us fed and watered :) So THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!

You are literally keeping me alive! 

As for RoxErotique, I'm planning to carry on as usual - there have been some interruptions as I find my feet at my new home (me and Chris are living with friends at the moment and so I've had less alone time to create my dirty work than I'd like) but I'm finding a rhythm now :)

ECWL will continue weekly as always! I'm so happy last weeks behind the scenes work went down so well!

RCFB is back up and running and should be updated today! With LOTS of thanks to AFCombat who is AMAZING and provided me with brand new boxing gloves and awesome gum-shields!

Poll Fight should be updated on Sunday with a poll happening every week asking you what you'd like to see next!

Audio - that's harder... I need a quiet space and an empty house to do this so watch this space... I have some commissions this month to complete so this will be a great test to see how the new digs works for sound quality

Anyway, that's about it! Thank you all SOOOO much for your support and love, you have no idea how much it's helped me during what's been probably the roughest few months I've ever known

You are all AMAZING!

All my love,

Gemma xxx


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