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Hey everyone,

Wanted to make this post a couple of days ago but I've been dealing with storm damage unfortunately.

I will be pausing the Patreon one final time for the month of July. I will be posting new content however since I'm just about finished with the other stories. I won't be on a daily schedule however you all should be seeing stories somewhat consistently with breaks only lasting 2-3 days at a time.

With that being said, does anyone have any content they'd like to see in particular? Whether it be new ideas or even sequels to older stories or maybe a new spin on a older story? Feel free to comment down below what you would like or message me. Discord would be preferred because the messaging on Patreon always seems to be buggy for me.

Also, there is possibly a slight change coming to the Patreon in August, however I won't know more until starting about the middle of July. I will keep you all informed however.


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