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As the car rounded the corner Jenna sighed, her body sliding along the bench seat in the rear of the dark sedan. The driver coughed, eyes furtively darting into the rear mirror and back to the road. Jenna scowled, wiggling her head at the man before turning her attention back to her phone.

“You’re such a bitch.” Read Caity’s message.

Giggling quietly, she let her thumbs fly across the bottom portion of her screen. “Yeah, but I’m still going to her little shower.” Her finger accidentally hit send. “That’s nice of me, innit?”

An ellipsis appeared, wriggling on her phone. It paused, stopped, then began a few times as Jenna listened to some terrible podcast droning softly from the car’s speakers. Eventually, the screen lit up as Caity finally replied. “Now I wish I was going. Be real with me, what do you get out of antagonizing them?”

Smirking, Jenna dashed off her quick answer. “Laughs mostly.”

Caity answered almost instantly. “X( UGH! I gotta run into my meeting. If you get in a fight tonight, don’t call me for help.”

“Stuff it. Cheers!” Jenna tugged at the hem of her skirt. A tight black and white Zara number she’d retained after her last gallery show. Slipping the phone into her little clutch she shook her head as Maggie’s road came into view. A new development out in the boonies, it looked like Maggie was the only one actually living there. Streetlights lay on their sides betwixt yellow and white pylons and shuttered bits of heavy machinery. The only lights coming from a lone bungalow at the end of the cul de sac.

Her brow furrowed; the house seemed completely empty. No fanfare or pageantry of any sort was visible as the car ambled to a stop. There were only two cars in the drive, Maggie’s sensible saloon and Nicole’s more powerful European sedan. Jenna looked into the mirror, nodding to her door. The driver’s eyes rolled as he exited the car and walked round the back. Jenna smirking as she pondered what fanciful expression he’d have when she reviewed the ride.

Opening the door, Jenna popped out and stomped up the drive towards the entrance to Maggie’s home. Her heels clicking against the concrete as she stalked away from the driver. “Uh…miss?” Came a low voice from behind her. Ignoring it she marched towards the door. “Miss?”

Lifting her hand, Jenna pressed the buzzer. “Hey! Lady!” Barked the driver. Turning, leveling the coldest glare she could, Jenna felt her lip twinge. Standing beside the gray door of the car was the driver, holding up her phone. Looking down, she saw her clutch was opened, and partway back down the drive was her money clip and a few odds and ends.

Pursing her lips, Jenna stepped back down the drive and collected her lost things. As she approached the driver, he held out the phone to her. Offering a condescending smirk, she held out her hand palm up. After a moment, the driver groaned and put the device in her hand. “Have a lovely day, Sheila.”

“Did that make you feel good?” She sneered.

Rolling his eyes again, he slunk away, slipping into his seat and driving off without another word. Standing at the end of the drive, Jenna bobbed on her feet, slowly stowing the items in her clutch and ensuring the clasp had properly locked in place before spinning round. There in the door to Maggie’s home stood two women. A laid-back brunette in a white cotton top and…Nicole. The tall woman had her gaze locked on Jenna, her expression knowing and cold.

Waving cheerfully, Jenna clicked her way back up to the pair. Maggie offered a greeting, but Jenna was more focused on keeping the distance between the two. Leaning forward to give Maggie a light kiss on each cheek. “Darling! So good to see you!”

“Indeed.” Nicole offered, interrupting the dance. She was leaning against the jamb of the door, wearing a pair of smart slacks and a blazer. “Travelling light, aren’t we?” She said calmly, nodding to Jenna’s clutch.

“Well, you know how it is. It’s been a hectic period for me.” Jenna said, sliding up close to the taller woman. “I almost didn’t make it at all.” She squinted, smirking at the larger woman.

“Well, I’m really glad you could come Jenny.” Maggie chirped from behind.

Jenna bristled, looking over her shoulder. Maggie’s feet were pointing at one another, toes practically touching while her hands were wringing in her lap. “Of course dear, wouldn’t miss it.”

Nicole shifted, bringing Jenna’s gaze back to the door. “Come on in, want a drink?”

Jenna skipped over the threshold, moving into the kitchen. “I suppose so! Hard seltzer if you please.” The home was largely set up, only a few broken-down boxes remained to show how recently Maggie had moved in. The furnishing’s were a hodgepodge of thrift finds and remnants of her Uni days. Some quaint crafty things hung from the walls in frames. Jenna shook her head as she flopped onto a tall seat beside a kitchen bar. “Where is everyone, I figured this was going to be a big to-do?”

Maggie chuckled, fidgeting as she approached the fridge. “Sorry, no seltzer. I uh… forgot what you liked. Riesling?” She said, opening the door.

Jenna nodded, pouting as she turned her gaze to Nicole, standing in the doorway like a bouncer, her arms crossed. “I suppose, one glass can’t hurt.” She said, smiling sweetly at the brutish woman.

For just a moment, Nicole’s eye’s left Jenna’s. She looked over at Maggie as the petite woman retrieved a glass from the cabinet. There was an audible pop as Maggie pulled a rubber stopper from the open bottle, pouring the pale golden wine into a fluted goblet. In the reservoir, Jenna could make out a gently bobbing object. It popped to the surface and then back to the bottom a couple of times before Jenna could make out that it was a frozen grape. “Uh… you know that isn’t really helping right?”

“What?” Maggie sputtered.

Jenna smirked. “Freezing grapes, it’s not the booze hack you think it is.”

Beyond Maggie, Jenna could make out Nicole rolling her eyes. “Oh! Oh-yes-of-course…” Maggie stammered, stepping forward and setting the goblet down in front of Jenna. “Well, as you often say, never hurts to try something new, yah?”

“Unless it’s stupid.” Jenna giggled. Sipping the wine, she grimaced. Lifting the goblet, she peered into the wine. The glass was coated in a bit of condensation in the warm summer air, but the color and clarity of the wine seemed fine. Still… something seemed off. “What kind of wine did you say this was?”

“Riesling.” Nicole interrupted. “A small vintage from a friend in Germany.” She continued. “A batch they used for this year’s Monaco.”

Jenna perked up, smiling as she greedily sipped down more of the bitter wine. “Ooh, fancy fancy. I suppose that’s appropriate for the BIG day. Tell me all about it!”

“Uh… it?” Maggie asked, she had a half smile on her face.

“Your tyke! Boy, girl, pudgy, scrawny?”

Maggie was silent for a moment. Jenna watched her intently before sliding her gaze to Nicole while sipping her Riesling. Jenna nodded her head towards Maggie, gently pulling the grape from the reservoir with her tongue before biting through the frigid flesh. “Oh… yeah! I’m getting a little girl.” Maggie said softly.

“Careful deary, little girls can be beautiful little terrors.” Jenna offered, helpfully. She lifted a hand, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyes felt funny. Her vision swaying lightly as a gentle pressure began building in the corners of her eyelids.

“I’m not worried.” Maggie offered, reaching out and firmly plucking the goblet from Jenna’s hand. Arching an eyebrow, Jenna nodded at the petite woman. “Besides, little ones should be spirited, yeah?”

Jenna’s head felt heavy, and she nearly rolled onto the polished granite. Giggling, Jenna lifted her face. “Oh no…I’m almost as much of a lightweight as you are cutie!” The room swayed, spinning wildly. Jenna didn’t feel sick, but her movements were heavy and uncoordinated.

A pair of massive hands gripped her shoulders, looking down at them and following the arms they were attached to up into Nicole’s face. The tall woman was looking at Maggie, nodding and mouthing something to her.

Nicole carefully swept Jenna off the seat, dangling her off the floor. Jenna felt her skirt shifting and as she bent her head forward, the corners of her vision began to darken. Muffled sounds accompanied a curious sensation of motion, like she was swaying back and forth before passing out entirely.

In a flash, her eyes snapped open. The room she was in was bright, with pale coffee-colored walls. She shifted in place, freezing as something thick and heavy squished against her thighs. Looking down, her face drained completely. Wrapped in a wide ball about her hips was a nest of pink and white fabric. It almost looked like… “…a…diaper!?” She hissed.

She felt something bristling against her neck, lifting a hand she felt a cool metal clasp and something leather secured firmly about her neck. She was also wearing a simple white singlet and some disgusting thigh high socks with little cartoon cats on them. “…The fuck is going on!?”

Language!” came a booming voice. Jenna jumped slightly as she looked around. Her surroundings were as strange as her attire. A low bar ran about her in a wide rectangle, heavy curtains dangling from the sides. Before she could process that curious fact, a motion drew her gaze skyward.

A curtain of brown hair slid over the bar like the moon eclipsing the sun. Then came a familiar face, Maggie’s, leaning over the bar and resting her arm beside Jenna’s head. She leaned close to Jenna with a wide terrifying smile. She seemed so…big…

“What…what…what…” Jenna stammered. Maggie beamed, reaching down. Her hand was terrifyingly huge, it brushed gently against Jenna’s cheek. “What happened to me!? How’d you get so big!? What’s going…going...on!”

“It’s adoption day silly.” Maggie cooed, reaching down, gently tugging Jenna’s foot. We just needed to make some…small…adjustments before welcoming you…” She reached out, and poked Jenna in her flat tummy. “…home.”



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