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Jenna's amused demeanour soured, just as Maisie's frustration was at once swelled and made more impotent.

"'Toys'?" Came Jenna's chastising tone, like she was scolding a disrespectful student.

Sophie expected this. "Oh, come on, look at yourselves. All dressed up and nowhere to go - I may have seen some guy dolls in my niece's stuff. I could see if they're single?"

Maisie growled. "Very funny." The tiny woman remembering her own unfinalized date plans for tomorrow - this felt like a good excuse to ghost someone though.

"If all of this wasn't so... sensitive, my niece would love to see you two dressed up like this."

"No photos!" Barked Maisie.

Jenna's gaze narrowed. "And no bringing kids over. I've worked with enough to know we'd be lucky to survive that."

Sophie finally relented. "I'm kidding."

Jenna rolled her eyes, whilst Maisie tried to get her new attire into a more comfortable position. "God this thing is awkward." She muttered.

Sophie, unbidden, leaned forward and reached out a hand towards the graduate. "What does it feel like? It looks cute, if a little uncomfortable. I found a lot of outfits I wore at your age were like that anyway..."

The redhead's tone was too casual, and Maisie's face grimaced at the enormous digits that hovered towards her. Her body squirmed in protest, her hands defensively trying to push Sophie's finger away.

"It looks a little stiff." Came the scientist's tone, her mind thrilled at the tiny brunette's attempts to push her finger away. Her strength was greatly diminished, and it would have taken almost no effort for the redhead to topple over the shrunken woman.

"Yeah. No. Thanks. It's fine." Maisie said, trying to keep the giantess from her personal space.

"What's it like to wear actual doll's clothes? You're the very first humans small enough to fit in them." Sophie was suddenly enraptured by the sight before her, barely acknowledging Maisie's attitude as she slowly pulled her hand away.

Maisie turned from the redhead, adjusting her attire as best she could. "I still don't know why you couldn't just shrink down some of your clothes..." She muttered.

Sophie ignored that, as Jenna observed the pair. The teacher had been amused by Maisie's plight, but now that that fun had passed, and as Sophie's attitude shifted to a more playful space, it urged Jenna back to a more defiant mood. All this talk of 'the first humans small enough to fit in them' rung hollow considering it had been the scientist who had made them tiny enough to wear these outfits. It was then that a thought dawned on the shrunken teacher. Sophie's limitless curiosity could actually be useful...

After a moment, Jenna's voice rung out. "You know, if you've got so many questions about how it feels, what it's like, tests to perform and all that. Why don't you use that device on yourself? You can see that its safe."

Maisie's movements slowed at that, her attention now on her garment and on Sophie's answer...

The enormous woman glowered down at the tiny, polka dot clad woman. There was an initial rejection of the notion entirely, but Sophie was a scientist, and had to consider what was said.

Jenna was right. The device did seem to function entirely within safe parameters. There were no short-term side effects that had manifested - of course, that wasn't verified evidence that there weren't still risks. As well, the long-term effects of matter compression - or shrinking - were still only theoretical on her part. Sophie's own research projected near to zero significant complications. Of course, the psychological effects of being unexpectedly shrunk as these two had were entirely unknown...

Maisie watched the giant woman consider Jenna's words, and the teacher did the same. There was a potent silence as the redhead eased back into her chair.

Sophie couldn't deny there was an appeal in experiencing the manifestation of her own genius and hard work for herself. There was something about interacting with these two dwindled women that made a very quiet part of her envious as she looked upon them.

However, Sophie would not be so easily caught out by the little teacher.

At last, she spoke. "It's malfunctioning. Remember?" Her tone was pointed. Cunning. "It would take me longer to repair it if I was smaller than you two."

Jenna's gaze felt like she had just watched a chess opponent make their move, and now the teacher was back to reforming her own strategy.

Before either of the shrunken women could reply though, Sophie twisted in her chair, and began to stand. "You know, it's been a long day. I think we should all get an early night. We'll continue this tomorrow."

Maisie's brow furrowed. "Wait, 'get an early night'...?"

"Yes. Bedtime. You've heard of it?" Quipped the giant woman.

Jenna ignored this. "Where are we going to sleep? I'm not sleeping on a calculator..."

Sophie smirked. "Relax. I think I saw something that will be work..."

The scientist stood, padding away from the room. It had been a long day; she had been up far too early too. What was more though, there was a new thought that ruminated in her mind, one borne of the tiny woman's suggestion, one that piqued her curiosity.



Syrus Durham

I love this story. Love them in the doll dresses. Love how Sophie toys with them. Can't wait to see the sleeping arrangements. Fantastic work!


I feel like Sophie could return with either a doll house or an old fish tank, but from what we’ve learned about this mysterious woman… it’s probably the latter 😅


Syrus!! Thank you!! Really appreciate you taking the time to comment!