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"What's the big problem? You said you wanted something to wear."

Aubrey grasped Tina's arms, delicately enough to not cause harm, but firmly enough that escape was a challenge.

The formerly 5'8 babysitter felt her shrunken body maneuvered like a marionette. Not a single cell of her body wanted this, but she knew that resistance would only deepen her predicament.

"Look at how cute you look." Aubrey prodded, with not an ounce of sincerity, urging her dwindled sitter to admire herself in the mirror.

The younger girl had not been impressed with Tina's attitude - bossy and controlling. The notion she needed a sitter was beyond ridiculous. However, the raven-haired girl had stumbled upon Tina's phone, unlocked, and discovered an extensive text message thread with Justin, a young man who had been dating someone who was decidedly not Tina. In fact, the other woman was someone Aubrey knew by the name of Jacqueline - and Aubrey was aware that Tina and Jacqueline were in the same social group...

When Aubrey had discovered this, she realized that her irritating babysitter could serve a far more useful role for the weekend. It hadn't taken much to get Tina to agree to help her test one of her 'secret projects'.

"Hm. It's a little risqué on you though..." Aubrey feigned consideration. "Should we snap a few photos and send them to Justin? He might like you like this! C'mon, strike a pose like in those pics you were sending him!" Aubrey could barely hold back her laughter.

Aubrey had intended for Tina's attire to dwindle with her - still some bugs to sort out it seemed!

Tina stammered over her words, caught between the blackmail Aubrey held over her and the rising dread and humiliation of this insane experience. Before she could form a proper sentence, the bespectacled girl cut her off.

"Quit the whining, squirt. Beggars can't be choosers and all that. You're just lucky my baby cousin visited recently!"

Aubrey grinned. Perhaps having a babysitter wasn't such a bad notion after all...



Suzy Smith

Aubrey is kind of evil lol feel like she needs some comeuppance soon


I adore ! The distress in Tina's eyes and the mischief in Audrey's eyes are very well transcribed. This deserves a sequel. 🥰 I'm not Tina's boyfriend, Justin... but I would love to see these photos. 😏


So glad you like it, Lloyd!! I feel like more than a few people would too! ;)