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"You don't think anyone will find us in there, right? Surely they won't miss us for a uh...short spell."

I watched as she teasingly strode towards the chosen hiding space. We were at a mutual friend's birthday. It was a large crowd, but today - for whatever reason - we found ourselves overcome with desire.

It had been six weeks since she had told me she was a witch. She never would have guessed that I had a proclivity towards all things shrinking. Now, what had been purely fantasy was within the bounds of reality - and we were both reaping the benefits of her powers.

When we had emerged into the backyard, she surveyed the area and a broad smirk had creased her face. With a word, we were both barely half our actual size.

"What are you waiting for? Do you need some more convincing?" Her melodic voice urged me onwards.

I absolutely didn't.




Need a third member for your playhouse party?😅😉😏

Nicole Corcoran

My my. Who could resist such a charming invitation. ;) Great work matching the lighting and shadows!