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As much as Maisie's state of dishevelement vexed her. She had bigger problems.

Dashing home like this was a non-starter, the neighbourhood was quiet, but her path would take her through some local shops. Her dress was also too simple, flimsy and daring to turn into something that would sit on her without flashing everyone who came by!

Her mind raced as she felt herself slowly dwindle. The dress sunk lower and lower, the upper portion of her dress was utterly useless now, hanging limply on her, the skirt's hem threatened to hang past her knees, her underwear stayed up solely by the power of her tense fist which held them in place! If someone saw her, they'd ask questions, even if Maisie just tried to sprint away, they'd talk about the seemingly tiny woman they saw, and if word got back to the people running the program. Maisie's payday would be gone, and perhaps even face litigation!

Damn it! She needed to get out of sight, to have a moment to get her mind in order, somewhere she could take a moment to breathe! Her mind was brewing a hundred worst case scenarios, all the while her outfit collapsed around her.

The park nearby was too open, her house was more than ten minutes away, the shops were crowded...

Then, her eyes drifted across the street. 

The school!?

That... that might actually work!

It was close. It had plenty of rooms to secret away in. Yes! A moment to actually gather herself.  That was what she needed! What was more, it was after lunch so all the brats would be in class! The hallways would be empty!

Maisie took a breath. It wasn't an amazing option, but it was the only option that made sense right now!

Steeling herself, the dwindled woman prepared for her dash inside...



Nicole Corcoran

This is getting interesting! I love that close up of her looking to the school, you really captured something in her expression. I 'wonder' if that sense of relief will last. 😈😼


I wonder if Aubrey goes to that school?