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Since the earliest days of the Rotgrind setting, I had this idea in my head about a creature that could inspire dread in those who were unlucky enough to come across it. A creature so disturbing that I didn’t even know why it was so damn disturbing. A creature that I knew would stand alongside the Flatblade Alley Monster as one of a handful of urban legends to stalk the alleys of Outset.

That creature is the Blue Skeleton.

Yes, I started with just a simple name and a simple appearance. The idea of a menial undead skeleton that was doused in blue paint served as the inspiration for a horrific being that would be akin to the Jason Vorhees or Freddy Kreuger of Outset’s alleyways, side streets, and crisscrossing mass of structures. Something an interested GM could use in their campaigns to add a sense of horror or amp up the tension that the PCs need to deal with during their time in the First City.

What makes the Blue Skeleton so frightening is its eeriness, and the fact that it can seemingly break the laws of physics by instantly teleporting to those it has instilled a sense of fear into. Nowhere is safe from the Blue Skeleton, and it’ll take a band of well-armed adventurers with a good plan to take it out—know anyone up for the task?

Overall, the Blue Skeleton is more than just a single monster to throw at a party. It’s the basis for a one-shot or even a multi-episode arc of a campaign set in Outset (or your own setting should you choose to just grab the statblock). This absolutely shouldn’t be used as just another monster for the PCs to fight and takedown, but the basis for a longer story where the PCs need to step in and stop the depraved actions of this unstable menial undead gone rogue. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? They might just get a bit of paint on them… right… right?!

- OnCallGM

You can find all of our content in our big master post thread!  [CLICK HERE FOR BIG MASTER POST]

In this post you will find all of our content! Either past content from previous campaigns we're legally allowed to share, an excel sheet of all the PDFs we've made(give it a bit to update when a PDF just released pls), and everything else in between!

If you ever have any problems or need assistance, please direct message us! 

May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!  - The Narrative Declaration Team




What happens if you drink the blue water at the mini-golf course...


Mah blue baby boy...