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What is a Complication?

A complication is a hampering event that typically occurs when a PC rolls a natural 1 on a check of any kind. These events are intended to add a bit of comedic flair to the failure, as well as to help mitigate some of the power PCs can receive from regular infusions of Hero Points in the game. Finally, complications are a way for you (our amazing patrons) to influence the game in a more direct manner.

When Do Complications Happen?

Complications happen in the following circumstances:

  • A complication occurs whenever a Player Character (not an NPC or GM-controlled creature) rolls a natural 1 on a dice result.
  • If a PC spends a Hero Point to reroll the result of a complication, the complication remains, regardless of what the rerolled result was (yes, this can result in a critical with a complication).
  • If the GM spends a Villain Point to reroll a result, a natural 1 results in a complication for the NPC/Monster. This is an exception to the rule that NPCs/Monsters cannot complicate.
  • A creature with the Boss Trait can never complicate.

Types of Complications

The following are the types of complications that can happen on the show. These represent the types of rolls where complications can occur.

  • Melee (Combat)
  • Ranged (Combat)
  • Spell (Combat)
  • Skill (Verbal)
  • Skill (Action)
  • Saves

Guidelines for Making Complications

The following are general rules to follow when creating a complication for submission to the show. This includes some basic guidelines for narrative complications and some mechanical ideas you can include.

Things We’re Looking For

Complications should be events that happen to hinder the PCs (and sometimes NPCs) during a session. The closer you stick to these guidelines, the better chance you have of your complication showing up during an episode. Some things to keep in mind when submitting a complication are:

  • Should create good roleplay opportunities. The more chances for PCs to interact with the complication or be able to comment on it, the better the complication is for the show.
  • Complications should never override the ongoing story. Complications are intended to be a funny “ha ha” moment that can spur good roleplaying, but won’t derail the PCs into a whole new side quest.
  • The more generic your complication, the better. It’s easier for us to fit in a complication if it isn’t hyper specific to one character or a specific check.

Feel free to put some narrative flare into the complication!

Mechanics for a Good Complication (PF2E)

Here are some guidelines for complications using the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Rules.

  • Mechanical effects that work well as part of a complication:
    • You can impart a condition (see https://2e.aonprd.com/%28X%281%29S%28hjyroef4f1v2om55nuk0st55%29%29/Conditions.aspx) as a consequence of the complication. Conditions to use can be imparted normally. Intense conditions should only last a round or require 1 action to remove. Never use the conditions listed as never use. Social Conditions should only be used for Skill-based complications.
      • Conditions to use: Clumsy, Concealed, Confused, Dazzled, Encumbered, Enfeebled, Fascinated, Flat-Footed, Frightened, Grabbed, Observed, Persistent Damage, Prone, Sickened, Stupefied
      • Intense Conditions to use sparingly: Blinded, Broken, Deafened, Fatigued, Fleeing, Hidden, Immobilized, Invisible, Paralyzed, Petrified, Quickened, Restrained, Slowed, Stunned, Undetected, Unnoticed
      • Conditions to never use: Controlled, Doomed, Drained, Dying, Rotten, Unconscious, Wounded
      • Social Conditions: Friendly, Helpful, Hostile, Indifferent, Unfriendly
    • You can have the PCs take persistent damage (like bleed or acid) but do not specify a specific damage, as that will scale with the PCs level and be determined by the GM.
    • You can (and mostly should) force the PCs to spend actions to remove conditions without a stated expiration. Typically 1 action for an intense condition, or 2 actions for something more annoying but less mechanically damaging.
    • Instead of a Condition, you can also choose to have the PCs hit themselves or another target with their ability (particularly useful in combat situations, though could also apply to skills).
    • You can have the PCs be moved by an effect. This could move them in a random direction or towards/away from a nearby threat.
    • A complication should NEVER have a permanent effect on the PC.
  • Some additional guidelines for making complications:
    • Never cite a specific DC for a complication. The DC is always based on a hard DC for the PCs’ current level and determined by the GM.
    • Never assume a specific PC action is happening for your complication. Remember that a PC could be in melee with a whip or a club or making a ranged attack with a bow or a gun. Similarly, a PC could be using Bluff, Intimidate or Diplomacy. For saves, effects could apply on failing a Fort, Reflex or Will save. The more generic you make your complication for the given type, the easier it is to use.

An example of a good complication would be: “The back of the player’s pants tear open after they strike! Causing them to be clumsy 1.”

Submitting Complications

Complications can be submitted via a google form: https://forms.gle/K2hmhGnnVuDqQz4P8

We will only accept complication results through this system. So please do not message us asking to slip one in.

We May Deny or Adjust your Complication

We understand that not everyone can design the perfect complication result. Or you may not know how the system works at all. We ask that you try your best, or at least tell us what would best fit what you’re going for. Such as, if you’re wanting a character to vomit or feel bad. Saying something along those lines helps us know that you probably wanted the sickened condition to be applied. We’ll do what we can to adjust, but putting in mechanics yourself gives your complication a better chance of being accepted..

We will however flat out deny submissions if we feel that it is inappropriate, outlandish, or otherwise not a good fit for the show.

Higher Tiers Can Contribute to the Complications!

All of our tiers have the benefits of the previous tiers automatically enrolled. We had some messages about people worried they were going to miss out. So don’t worry, if you’re on a higher tier you always get the benefits of the previous tiers.

You Are Submitting to a Pool to be Pulled From.

When you submit your complication, there is no 100% guarantee it will be used. We want to be upfront about this, as we do not want you to be under the assumption that it will make its way in the next episode. This tier is a way for you to contribute to the future production of the show, and help us make some hilarious moments with your input. Your submission is put together with everyone else’s, and we will filter them through if accepted.  Basically...

Just because we’ve provided guidelines here, doesn’t mean you should feel compelled not to submit your outlandish complications. Just be aware that they have a lower chance to show up during an episode. That being said, sometimes the show needs a spark of outlandishness and if you catch the GM on a weird day… they may just take you up on your crazy complication!  Happy complicating!



Jeffery A Crouse

finally I can use all those ideas I've been thinking up


Google form is now fixed (for real this time) thanks all for letting us know!