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Killing player characters is a rare experience for any Game Master. In Rotgrind, you can do it repeatedly, and to the same PC!  Today’s new PDF details some of the unique rules that exist in our upcoming Rotgrind campaign and the world of Tyne. The Rot is a key element of the world and is something that goes beyond the rules for afflictions and negative energy. Today’s PDF provides an overview of how the Rot works as both a damage type and a unique condition that edges PCs closer to the brink of death. This document also provides additional rules for rotten weapon and armor runes, as well as the mossy counterpart runes that work in opposition to the Rot.  

To truly stand against the Rot you’ll need some powerful defensive tools! Luckily, this article also provides rules for sponsorship, which is essentially Tyne’s mechanic for Dark Souls-inspired respawning. Having a sponsor allows the GM to throw some difficult threats in the paths of their PCs, leading to a campaign that might be a tad bit more deadly than most. Of course, one can’t respawn eternally, and even the protection of a sponsor can only keep the Rot away for so long... 

We hope you enjoy the “Demise of the World” article, as it starts to peel back a bit more lore and some of the mechanics behind what makes Tyne a truly unique setting. Stay tuned for more updates in the future, with our first take on an outsider coming in an upcoming bestiary document and a larger pantheon document providing a more in-depth overview (and associated rules) for many of Tyne’s deities!  

-OnCallGM (Thursty)

In this post you'll find our lore PDF attached for you to download! If you find any issues please let me know.




I think this is pretty cool base to build on for the Rot mechanic stuff :3 When I first read the primer I was thinking its gonna be more typical corruption mechanic, but it seems to be kinda built for emulating Souls game style immortality(with end of line for it unlike in a video game) with increased risks. I do kinda imagine characters without sponsorship who have rot are kinda screwed though unless GM is pulling punches :D Not sure I like idea of it being "wounded but worse"(as said in pdf its extremely punishing plus it does stack with doomed condition :'D) but it does make sense in the sponsorship variant rule context and it is mechanically simple and easily understandable way to model it. I do like the risk and reward aspect of it with items that give you higher bonuses if you are rotted, that is another nice thing I look forward to getting expanded on later on. I'd imagine that for some enemies the rot condition is probably going to apply number of it as status penalty to saves and such too. Overall really dig it, maybe I will be using it myself if I ever get another chance to run homebrew campaign