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 I have been having some interest on the Mayan looks (mostly due to Awilix; DON'T JUDGE ME), so have an outfit influenced by the Mayas, even if it simply has some leg-warmers and minimal torso accessories. I might finish this since I like how the feet came out, as well as the rest of the pose <3.

Hope ya'll like it so far!

P.S.: There might be a lot of hidden layers on the folders within the PSD. If you're wondering why they're there, they are simply copies of one another. When working on a layer, I tend to make copies of it and use it similar to that of a "checkpoint" for in case if I mess up and can't CTRL-Z my way out. Why not just delete them you ask? Well sometimes I ask myself how I got to a certain point, and in the end I wouldn't know. With those layers, I could go back to them, and see almost exactly what changes I made.  So that's why they're there ^3^ 



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