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Hallo again!

A handful of people have shown interest for the Request tier, so I'll start working on setting that up starting next month!
I will give more details when it's done, but it will generally be an experimental refined sketch, only one character, and can be foot or non-foot related.
No promises as to whether it will stay or not, and for how long, so if you're sure you want to try this out, sign up for it if you can.

Also as a heads-up, as I've mentioned on the previous post, because of this Requests Tier the payment method will change to Up-Front rather than only every 1st of the month like it is now.

You guys don't have to do anything, and it won't charge you guys when I do this change; it will be as if nothing happened. and this will only affect new Patrons as soon as they sign up. Unless you change your tier to a higher one, it will charge you the difference on the spot.

Go on the link below for more information about it if you're still confused, or you can ask me and I'll try and answer any questions that you may have ❤:




Hoping timezones will allow me to join.