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Free on July 24th

Tori was one of my most played sims when I was still playing the game in the traditional sense.  A working girl in every sense of the word, she is affiliated with AEP stars, athletes, celebrities, strip club patrons, gangsters, married men and normal townies.  She spreads herself (no pun intended) quite widely around the Sims universe.  She is well liked in the sex industry for her voracious sexual appetite.  While saving her up for her dream home, Tori often spends time squatting with a select group of clients whom she trusts.  Needless to say, Tori is noncommittal as she enjoys having sex with strangers over an exclusive relationship.

She is a serial vaper who has an affinity to party drugs like X - a drug she often takes when offering her services to various strip joints around Del Sol.

When she isn’t on the streets, Tori enjoys webcamming to her faithful community.  She aspires to become more involved in traditional modeling; although her love for casual sex may inhibit these aspirations.  Which path will Tori take?

Traits: Non-commital, Light-hearted (Chingy), Pheromonal Flower, Ambitious, Clubber



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