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These are the parents of Michael Murphy, whose family is coming soon.

"As the patriarch of the Murphy Clan, Cyrus has passed his strong genes to his son, Michael.  He is a former Navy Seal and spends his late adulthood tending gardens with his long-time wife, Judy.

Although he is an elder, Cyrus is still physically active as he kick-boxes and runs in his spare time.  Given that he is a veteran and a staple of the neighborhood, Cyrus tends to be recognized by his fellow citizens of Newcrest.

Judy Murphy is the mother of Michael and wife of Cyrus.  She has a skilled green thumb and enjoys dancing to jazz music with her husband.  Her exceptional cooking skills have her referred to by the neighborhood as  “Granny” or “Mrs. Judy”, monikers that she enjoys having.

She is friends with many of the other elders in the neighborhood and has a “girls night out” at least once a week.  Judy is especially close with her granddaughters, Samantha and Elizabeth, and spends as much time with them as she can.

Since Cyrus and Judy live in close proximity to their son (across the street), they are constantly popping in to check on their family and grandchildren, something that typically is warmly received by Michael and Diana.  Although, I suppose you can implement a storyline where The Murphys’ privacy is infringed upon by the intrusion of their in-laws."



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